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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Discovering new weird sites that were super entertaining to middle schoolers like myself. Not sure how to best describe them, but sites like homestar runner, newgrounds, albinoblacksheep. There’s countless more but I can’t remember the names off the top of my head. I remember liking Maddox a lot at that age, but I realized later he was basically a POS iirc.

  • This ranks low in the scam scale, and it’s been around for decades, which leads me to believe it works well enough to keep around. At (some) supermarkets whenever an item is on sale the bright attention grabbing tag will say something like 3/$6 or 10/$10 leading you to believe you have to buy 3 or 10 or whatever at the same time to get the deal, when really the sale price is just $2 or $1 for the items in these examples, and you can buy however little you want.

    Maybe adults don’t fall for it, but it sure worked on me when I was a dumb kid spending my few dollars I had on candy or whatever.

  • The subscriptions are out of control now. Sometimes we have to throw a tablet or phone at the kids, and of course they want the play the parts of the game they can’t click on because it’s locked. I have no problem shelling out something reasonable like $2-7 to just unlock all the crap and be done with it, but now most of these developers are asking for $10 a MONTH just to have access to all of the game assets. And they’re not live service games, have online, or even in-game currency; they just single player offline basic games like driving Thomas the tank engine around a map. Like, get fucked dudes.

  • Man, this is what I fear trying to get into homelab’ing. I’m just so naive to networking I’m afraid I’ll break everything. The most I’ve ever accomplished was Plex on my PC, Plex app elsewhere and PC has to have Plex running to work. That and I built a NAS (when really I just wish it was a DAS I could tether to multiple PC’s at once), and I barely made it though tutorials to get that working.

    I feel like I need to buy a textbook because I’m so clueless on the basics I can’t even get started, since almost any tutorial online assumes you know the bare bones basics. Like I literally don’t know what DHCP is, how it works, or even what it stands for.

    At the very least your post has inspired me to try to start trying again. Maybe there’s a textbook I can pick up to start learning this super basic groundwork, or maybe a course online.

  • Agreed that it’s harder now that we’re older, especially if you work a lot or have kids/family responsibilities.

    The most rewarding aspect of playing a game these days (IMO) is the social aspect of it. Whether that be playing with friends or sharing a ‘physical’ neutral space with other players like in an MMORPG. If you have a friend or a group of friends it’s fun to start random games together and experience them with someone. If you’re a solo gamer you need a much greater reason to start a new game, which is harder as you’ve described.

    I don’t have many friends who game consistently, so I’m basically left to choose between going back to an MMORP like WoW (ugh), which after a while you realize is still lonely unless you really invest in making friends on your sever, or playing a new game at launch. Even if it’s a single player game there’s a lot to be said about playing a new game as soon as it releases. You get that collective sense of community because everyone is going in fresh and finding out secrets and solutions and sharing them with each other online. It doesn’t feel like you’re totally alone, and although it’s short lived it can feel rewarding. It’s like watching a weekly release show and joining in post-episode discussions online. You can’t recreate that experience after the fact.

  • I didn’t know he existed until his death, but there was a lot of praise in the piece covering him so I checked him out on Spotify. I’ve only sampled a bit of his music, but the Tokyo Joe album was added to my favorites almost immediately. On one hand it’s kinda weird, but it’s also has such a unique vibe I just love it. Part of it might be from being a 90’s kid, where little sounds from that era invoke tiny bits of nostalgia that are hard to pinpoint.

    I also just saw he did the music for Snake Eyes in 1998 lol. That’s going on my list of “good but also bad” movies to rewatch.