• JDPoZ@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Alright buddy. I get it. My last response sounded patronizing. We can stop pretending to “bless your heart” each other now. I sincerely apologize.

    Glad to finally have an actual discussion again online! :)

    I do actually want to know though - do you really think the iPhone has had that much innovation over the past decade?

    Also, on the subject of tech, I fucking hate that Facebook of all companies got a foothold on VR on the consumer-facing side.

    Yes, they injected fuck ton of cash to make it more viable main stream VR headset product, but they also fucking stuck their Facebook tendrils and every part of it and ruined what might’ve otherwise been a really exciting new space that now feels stagnant and stalling and artificial and shitty.

    Edit 2 :

    Hey - sorry to stalk, but you seem to have a knack for writing smut! My S.O. likes doing the same. I will say she doesn’t tend to work using historical figures as her characters - but hey maybe in the future she could try!