I’ve seen many people have insane setups to download things automatically and NAS’ with tens of terabytes of capacity, which i don’t understand at all.

I have a 1 tb drive from 2013 of which I’m using ~850GB and most of the space is used by series i have already watched and haven’t bothered to delete.

What are you storing to need so much space and how are you finding so much good content that you actually want to save?

  • DidacticDumbass@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    Honestly, a terabyte can be filled up pretty quicky just with video games. High resolution films add up quicker than you think.

    The library is good if you have the hardware to rip.

    Not to mention stuff from the Internet Archive, which has all the things you definitely have never seen. It is nearly bizarre the gems one can find in the public domain.