“Systematic reviews of controlled clinical studies of treatments used by chiropractors have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective, with the possible exception of treatment for back pain.[8] A 2011 critical evaluation of 45 systematic reviews concluded that the data included in the study “fail[ed] to demonstrate convincingly that spinal manipulation is an effective intervention for any condition.”[10] Spinal manipulation may be cost-effective for sub-acute or chronic low back pain, but the results for acute low back pain were insufficient.[11] No compelling evidence exists to indicate that maintenance chiropractic care adequately prevents symptoms or diseases.[12]”

  • mateomaui@reddthat.com
    10 months ago

    I also love how the goalposts have been moved from “chiropractic techniques are ineffective and have no value” to “well actually those same techniques are effective and legitimate when done by certain people.” That is hilarious!

    What’s sad is that after 25+ years of having these arguments, you knuckleheads haven’t come up with anything original.