Imagine you could give a Christmas gift to anyone, famous or not, what you would give and to whom? And why?
I would give Palia to my upstairs neighbor. To see if he stops being a massive dick to everyone, and just starts being friendly and happier.
Outer Wilds, to my estranged family. I think they could use a new religion and that game’s probably a better place to start.
Thomas was alone. I’d give it to literally anyone. Imagine a game that makes you cry about a rectangle.
Such a good game. It’s mind-blowing how much personality and character development they give a bunch of quadrilaterals. The wiring and narration are fantastic.
I have ruined lives gifting Factorio.
I’d give the Pope a copy of undertale
I would gift furry hitler 2 dating simulator to your grandma
Do you her grave’s address? I don’t think she has a PC tho…
Googling this was 50/50 for me. It couldn’t possibly exist, but on the other hand, it’s just too perfectly insane. I was very surprised at the result.
I might not have gotten the name exactly right but the game is real
I would gift Overcooked to my friends (married with 2 kids) because they are a family of foodies.
Hah my brother gave us a copy of Overcooked 2 as a wedding present and the card read “enjoy your first argument as a married couple”
After finishing The Last Of Us 2, I spent a lot of energy being sad about all the people in my life who don’t play games. They’ll never have that experience, and I found that somewhat upsetting. There’s no other way to live that story, and I wish l could give it to just everyone, and have them actually play and enjoy it.
Journey, for something simple but touching for others who feel a bit isolated and adrift.
I would give Wing Commander to Chris Roberts and remind him of what an actual “game” is, since it seems he forgot.
Gifting someone a f2p game kinda sounds like a dick move imo