Here recently it seems like everything just gets under my skin so quickly and easily. It’s not that I get mad and take it out on others, it’s just the fact that I’m constantly annoyed and stressed. Something as simple as the dogs tracking some mud through the house will just ruin my mood. I know some people who would just laugh it off and clean it up. Meanwhile I’ll get pissed that I didn’t wipe their feet and be mad the entire time I’m cleaning it up. This has nothing to do with the dogs, it just an example. Any number of seemingly insignificant things can trigger me like that. Like forgetting something at the store and having to go back. I would love to be able to go, “well that sucks” and just get over it.

    9 months ago

    Wish I had advice for you OP, but the best I can do is offer my own anecdotes in solidarity with you:

    With time, I’ve learned to accept my own mistakes. E.g., if I “forget something at the store,” to use your example, I would generally be able to forgive myself that.

    But something that grates on me more and more is, broadly, anything that seems to “encroach on my personal autonomy.”

    I have a lot of examples from work. Like if a manager pushes work on you after gutting the rest of your team?

    I’d rather quit in that situation on principle, even without anything lined up—and I have. I can’t seem to let myself just get bent-over for work, although it might be easier if I could go with the flow in these situations.