Why even let massive corporations get away with false advertising? If they show the pumpkin have a face on the cover, they better have a face on the actual thing. You’re just decenticized to being fucked around by corporations that you’re defending them for lying to you.
I don’t care if she wins a billion dollars. Hershey’s can go bankrupt tomorrow. I just know what actual problems look like and a fucking candy wrapper ain’t one of them.
Why even let massive corporations get away with false advertising? If they show the pumpkin have a face on the cover, they better have a face on the actual thing. You’re just decenticized to being fucked around by corporations that you’re defending them for lying to you.
@stephen01king @TokyoMonsterTrucker desensitized?
Yep, I brain farted on that word there lol
I don’t care if she wins a billion dollars. Hershey’s can go bankrupt tomorrow. I just know what actual problems look like and a fucking candy wrapper ain’t one of them.
The world is allowed to have more than one problem solved at once.