Hearing the movie is getting bad reviews. But Snyder says the director’s cut will be a completely different movie with a different vision. I admit Zack Snyder’s Justice League (director’s cut) was much better than the theatrical version and quite different (though I had mostly forgotten the original by then). Not sure if I should just watch this movie now or wait for the director’s cut for a better experience. Impression Blend on YouTube said it was ok.

  • atempuser23@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    For the justice league there was a different director. Why the hell wouldn’t this movie, where he was the director, be the directors cut. Was there some kind of public split with netflix?

    You should just watch it. It’s fun to watch. It’s not really deep, but there is lots of action and it looks great. There are 15 characters but only 3 are developed hero and 2 villians. Most of the characters have no effect on the film and could have been 100% cut out with no loss of plot.

    I liked the worlds and the development of the main conflict. The action was on point and the main character was well acted.

    • Evotech@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      You should not watch it, it’s dreadfully boring. Just watch the trailer to see the big fancy world building cgi that is like a couple of shots.