For a while I was using the same username for everything, but recently I’ve been trying to mix it up.

Context: Currently picking my new username for Signal and I’m not sure what to put. I don’t want spam, and I use Signal for privacy, but I could also do something nice. First name? Randomly generated?

    6 months ago

    i put in all the brainpower i can muster and think for about 2 hours before just choosing a random roman god/dess or something stupid that i think sounds cool or has to do with something i like, because i can’t think of anything original. like if i had to make one right now it’d probably be uhhh superfluidhydrabreath

    if i were queer enough i’d probably change that to supergenderfluid, but i’m not

    games like stellaris are the most challenging to me solely because they require you to make up a lot of names, and i don’t wanna use the auto generated names because that’s stupid and for cowards. often times i spend more time making up names or designing my characters than i do playing the game the day i start