My 13 hour flight just got delayed 7 hours, I’m stuck at my second airport, and I dont think I’m gonna make it. I have some movies and audio books on my phone, but really only anticipated having to burn the flight time via napping and some media, not 7 hours leading up to it, and I’m pretty sure I’m gonna mentally burn out on passive media.

  • I have media on my phone - movies, shows and audio books, but I can only do about 2-3 hours at a stretch before I burn out on those things.
  • I have wifi and power both on the ground and on the plane, although I’m sure the connection once we get going isn’t going to be performance enough for online games.
  • I have a phone and headset but didn’t bring a laptop because it was just extra bulk I didn’t think I’d need. I don’t have a switch or steam deck or anything neat.
  • I have access to the airport lounge, so drinks are free, and I get free drinks on the plane. I don’t want to get wasted or have to pee constantly, so my plan is to jim lahey it.
  • I’m intrigued by mobile games, but every one I’ve tried has felt too gimmicky with gambling or freemium BS mechanics. Also tried started valley but it never got me hooked either. I have an android and will buy games if they’re worth it.
  • I’m open to any other ideas that could somehow mentally (or physically while on the ground) stimulate me.
  • I’m a dude in my 30s with a family and kids, but I’m currently traveling solo.
  • I’ve already killed 2 hours on a plane and 2 more on the ground (my planned connection time) doing nothing, I was saving my media trying to avoid burning out on shit before I get on the plane.
  • I suck at sleeping when on the go.
  • I’m on my 3rd mimosa and bored as fuck.


    1 year ago

    Puzzle books? I like to play with variety puzzle books, commonly sold near magazines :3 Crosswords (and varieties thereof), word searches (+varieties), crypto puzzles of various sorts, number puzzles of various sorts, the funky neat ones where some of the words share some letters (like, a letter fills a vertical region to be shared by one or more words), uhhh… oh also I like to write the solutions in Thorass :D Though the numerals are garbage. D’ni numerals are far, far better 👍

    Also, I daydream for hours at a time. … But probably you don’t or else you wouldn’t be asking for ideas I guess 😅