Getting heated is bad for the heart, after all. But I’ve always had the belief that the worst thing you can be in this world is consciously uninformed, so I wanna stay in the loop.

      1 year ago

      For science news/communication, Sabine Hossenfelder is really good. She’s an actual physicist and does a great job at presenting science news in a no-bs way. Also a good sense of humor.

      For climate-related stuff, Climate Town is very good. He has a master’s degree in climate policy, and he cites a ton of sources. His videos have a lot of humor and sarcasm, but they’re very strongly fact-based and in-depth. He’s not strictly news, but he does more mini-documentaries of topical topics relating to climate science and especially climate policy.

      For general journalism and analysis, The Atlantic and The Economist are very good in my experience. They’re both subscription-based (which honestly might be why they’re so good; they don’t have to chase clicks for ad revenue), but you can just browse their website for articles, then copy-paste the article links into to bypass the paywall. Both have a lot of excellent explanatory journalism and analysis.

      I also find public broadcasters produce a lot of good content, as they likewise don’t have to chase clicks for ad dollars. PBS and NPR (American), CBC (Canadian), DW (German, but they have English-language documentaries on youtube here), and Al Jazeera (Qatari, just don’t trust their reporting on Qatar; their English international journalism is highly reputable, though, and they produce good documentaries available on youtube here) are some examples. In general, I find the long-form content produced (i.e., longer videos and documentaries as well as long-form articles) by these outfits to be better for “getting informed” than their regular just-the-facts news.

      Amongst the above public broadcasters, I especially recommend the DW documentaries. They’re really prolific and produce a ton of high-quality documentaries, all available for free on youtube.

      For geopolitics and the war in Ukraine, William Spaniel is the best I’ve found. He’s a professor of political science, and his videos are in-depth and topical on the happenings of the war. He also gives great insight into political science and geopolitics as a whole. Also has a good sense of humor and engaging style. He’s also very quick to upload an analysis whenever there’s a major development in the war.

      For general data-based analysis, Our World in Data is a really good website. All the data is open-access and open-source, and they have a treasure trove of good charts and accompanying analysis for exploring the world by data. You can filter by subject category as well.