In US schools they teach it as the US just withdrawaling due to cost and domestic pressure because teaching it as a loss would really tarnish the whole “we never lose wars, USA #1!” narrative.
Can confirm this. My teacher started sweating when I asked if that means Vietnam won. Didn’t get an answer just a subject change and the redneck kids in class eyeballing me funny. Sorry fuckos your daddies raged quit the field. That’s a loss. Git gud scrub 😂
In US schools they teach it as the US just withdrawaling due to cost and domestic pressure
Also known as “losing.” LOL
Most modern wars happen like this. Both sides commit until committing becomes untenable for one of the parties. That’s pretty much the only path to victory for Ukraine, for instance.
Technically the domestic/international pressure is the actual reason for the loss. The US had the capability to rule the ashes, but domestic and international pressure caused the withdrawal.
In US schools they teach it as the US just withdrawaling due to cost and domestic pressure because teaching it as a loss would really tarnish the whole “we never lose wars, USA #1!” narrative.
Can confirm this. My teacher started sweating when I asked if that means Vietnam won. Didn’t get an answer just a subject change and the redneck kids in class eyeballing me funny. Sorry fuckos your daddies raged quit the field. That’s a loss. Git gud scrub 😂
Also known as “losing.” LOL
Most modern wars happen like this. Both sides commit until committing becomes untenable for one of the parties. That’s pretty much the only path to victory for Ukraine, for instance.
Technically the domestic/international pressure is the actual reason for the loss. The US had the capability to rule the ashes, but domestic and international pressure caused the withdrawal.