Bahnd Rollard

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • Because when the right is in power they fall in line, and when the left is in power the fall in love.

    Explanation, each left leaning congress critter and senate sloth has something they want to champion, something they usually got elected to do or fix… And they are wildly inconsistent within the party on how to do that. With the right being obstructionist cockwombles most of the time it then appear from the outside that left is incapable of getting things done.

  • My nerd herd play this game too, the usual suspects are getting to the point where I worry that will be the problem. Right now the main irritation are meme accusations. 2 players dont trust eachother even if prove they are on the same team.

    Lieing about being someones grandmother and randomly guessing a role (and getting it right) has ended multiple games. Its gotten to the point we have to just treat some people as agents of chaos even if they arnt on the evil team. Its still very fun and most people get a laugh out of a good play.