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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m gonna watch how your post is voted. I’ve gotten burned for that stance my entire life even though it’s perfectly logical.

    Don’t really get the idea you aren’t supposed to try stuff out without upfront payment. Slightly better now but meh.

    Don’t you worry though, any software I needed for business was all bought and paid for. I’m sure a few pennies got to the programmers / developers / artists that designed it. And i simply passed the cost on to my clients. Pretty obvious who wins here.

    Then again I don’t really get what this post is about, just replying to you.

    Edit: is qbitorrent still cool? I mean uTorrent was cool till it wasn’t. I never update it but I tried it out on Linux earlier this year and even with a VPN it leaked and i got a message from my ISP next day. That’s likely on me and bad settings but just checking

  • That would be amazing… imagine face planting from a stupid stunt and being like no biggie they’ll grow back. Works for kids and we already know from admittedly gross tumors the human body can grow hair and teeth. Just have to get them in the right place.

    Also agree with the other comment to your post… crispr will likely be for the rich. Hell, it probably already is. A cynical view but i don’t sit at that table so who knows.

  • Nuclear is great. A while back I came across a company that had developed a simple geothermal reactor (no pumps, cooling towers etc) that seemed neat but was probably just a VC bid.

    They supposedly had a goal of building some tests in Idaho or something. They should have deployed it in PR after that hurricane. Would have made a great test site.

    If course it’s old tech… I don’t remember which one but a Japanese company developed something similar… it was smaller than a typical Telco or isp pop is (or roughly 3x the size of your typical residential AC condenser) and could provide power for an entire community.

    Funny how that stuff never materalizes.

    Small scale modular reactors make perfect sense… sorry I don’t have any sources but you can search the above term and find all the pipe dreams i saw 10 years ago. Oil, gas, etc is just still too profitable.

  • The media… that made me think of old days but right now I’m watching some hurricane coverage that is obviously in a helicopter. And I’m thinking why…

    A large 6 rotor “drone” is cheap and can sustain a motor failure. Cheap compared to the camera it carries. You can have a fleet and maybe 2 cameras and just swap them out as needed. With gps the pilot just needs to tap on a touch screen, camera operator just has to get framing right, and the tech that maintains everything can be had at a poverty level wage.

    Oof, that wasn’t positive. But I do wonder what they use now. We had wall to wall coverge of trump flying his old 757 to Atlanta and back and really hope that was drones. Sorry heli pilots. You are still cool, it’s just expensive.