Hello, my name is Cris. :)

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • As much as I’d like that to be true, I’ve definitely still seen vegan spaces online that are intensely alienating and hostile 😅 when I was using reddit, often anything from r/vegan that hit r/all was pretty hostile to anyone who hadn’t already decided it was an important issue for them and made big lifestyle changes accordingly, adopting veganism.

    To be totally honest I’ve also never seen any beef industry propaganda encouraging people to hate vegans or resent veganism. If you can think of any examples off the top of your head I’d be curious to see them (if nothing comes to mind thats fine, I don’t intend that as a gotcha)

    I’m not vegan (grew up with an eating disorder, not in any position to cut stuff out of my diet or make eating more complicated/difficult, though I have a lot of respect for vegan ethics) but I am a big nerd about open source stuff and linux, and I’ve observed similar things in that space. I have a friend who’s averse to open source stuff because folks have evangelized to her aggressively and with the same sort of superiority complex many folks perceive vegans as having. I’m grateful she’s excited to listen to me talk about the stuff I’m excited about anyway these days, but I’m careful not to make her feel pressured to drop proprietary software she’s using for open alternatives because I want her to feel respected even though she’s not invested in this thing I care about a whole lot

    I think when you work hard to adopt a big change for reasons you’re proud of, it’s easy to view yourself as superior for having learned the thing, or made the dietary change

  • Just because you don’t find yourself needing a given port doesn’t mean no one should have one.

    My USB c port broke from being cycled too many times with a stupid headphone dongle, and now I can’t charge it with a cable OR use my god damn headphones. I like my headphones, its obnoxious that I can’t just plug them into the device I want to listen to. I get it’s not relevant to you but it is relevant to many other people which is why so many people are still bitching about it years after almost every manufacturer has removed the port. Every single day its frustrating I don’t have one. Its frustrating when my friends want to play music in my car and they don’t have one.

    I got my headphones for Christmas and I LOVE THEM, but I can’t even use them with my phone :(

  • Counterpoint- people are down voting because they think its unlikely and many people are inherently gaurded against conspiratorial thinking- especially if they think it’s unrealistic.

    Whether you think its happening or not, the idea that the only reason anyone would downvote is because they’re “opperatives” of the big social platforms is kind of out of touch with the fact that there are lots of people who don’t think like you do. I’m a real person, love open source, and love the fediverse (have 3 lemmy accounts, plus an account for mastodon and pixelfed each) and I was tempted to down vote certain comments just because they seemed silly and a bit like fearmongering that there’s a big bad boogey man out to get us.

    I hope I’m being clear, communicating on the internet devoid of tone or facial expressions is hard- my point isn’t that your perspective is silly, my point is that there are lots of people who would sincerely see it that way and disagree with you. Assuming that being disagreed with is a sign of the sort of conspiratorial situation you’re describing is a self fulfilling prophecy. I hope I’m not coming across as hostile, that isn’t my intent

    Personally I think the other platforms are unlikely to see the fediverse as a problem until it proves it can be, because CEOs are stupid, and after eons of not having meaningful competition in this space I think they’re likely to be overly proud and look down on our nice little platform. I think its far more likely its just the internet being shitty because lots of people on the internet like breaking or ruining anything they can, regardless of whether its a good thing to have exist. I could very easily be wrong, and perhaps other platform’s owners do want to kill what we have before it can manifest into something bigger, but either way there are lots of sincerely held perspectives that might drive someone to down vote some of the comments here just because they think the situation being described is unrealistic.