• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2023


  • Settlers may be civilians, but they are certainly not innocent nor noncombatants. When is Israel going to be held accountable for putting its innocent population at risk by blurring the line between combatants and noncombatants through the support of settler terrorism and mandatory military service?

    How the hell are resistance groups supposed to discern legitimate targets from illegitimate ones when the lack of a uniform is no indication on whether the person in question is an active perpetuator of the oppression that has been ongoing for the past 75 years?

    When are the innocent citizens of Israel going to stand up against their government for committing atrocities in their name and using them as human shields? Is Israel not a democracy? Why don’t the people of Israel use their voting power to end the occupation and oppression of the indigenous people, to bring their war criminals to justice, to make proper reparations, to grant the right of return to the millions of refugees, and to make equal rights for all? Is it that they can’t, or is it that the majority of Israeli voters choose not to, and have chosen not to for the past 75 years?

  • Haaretz has a mixed bag of writers. There’s a very clear trend with the with the nature of the article, and the writer themselves. I don’t know if journalists like Hagar Shezaf, Amira Hass, and Adam Raz are anti-Zionist or just pro-human rights, pro-justice, but what they are doing is beyond admirable. Nationality / Tribalism plays a large part in the identities and ego of many humans. To go against that and subsequently incur the scorn of those that you are supposed to identify with is something that I myself cannot fathom. So when people do just that, all for the pursuit of truth or perhaps something even greater, I cannot help but respect, admire, or even love them. When humans have every logical reason not to do something, but they do so anyways because of what they believe is right, that speaks volumes on both their character and action. For that reason, I have explicitly decided to showcase Haaretz articles regarding this conflict, whenever possible, even with that shitty dog-shit steaming pile of garbage paywall.