Suggestion: Make it worse - Make it worser
Suggestion: Make it worse - Make it worser
This is the best secular world view I’ve found. Since leaving religious thinking behind, I wondered abit between nihilism and the world is what you make it. The Dichotomy of Control really resonated with me. Funny enough, I started rereading Epictetus’ Enchiridion The book, How to be a Stoic by Massimo Pigliucci is good to. I found it more accessible. Here is a video with him
Uh oh, my bias is showing again, lol.
Very on-brand. I’ll have to look it up.
Not the genital mutilation, though, that’s Jewish. I never understood why Christians do it. Didn’t Jesus fulfill the law and the prophets? Plus there was a spat over adults converting, but not getting circumcized that was settled on the side of “not required”. I may be remembering it wrong.
Whoa, pal. Sounds like you want Big Government. Be careful what you ask for. Next thing you know, they be delivering food, water, and medical care as a so called “human right”. A government big enough to give you those things can take them away, too. No thank you. On this planet we die like men, without seatbelts or safety standards of any kind.
Thanks for the links
Thanks, I’ll look at Costco
Neat, I’ll check that out
Didn’t think about noise
I see purifiers made with box fans and four filter panels. Anyone have first hand experience? Are they worth the effort?
Will do. My apologies.
It feels like you’re fishing for a “go fuck yourself, and your poorly disguised concern trolling” comment. Congrats, you’ve caught one.
Ours leaked, found a loose bit that let water in. Mine is running now, so no pics, but with the door open, there is a round filter looking thing in the bottom left. Make sure it is screwed tight. Not sure what it does, but if it’s loose, water gets between the door and the insulation soaks it up to leak later
Dark, but funny
Where are all the pregnant women and babies!? We gotta replace all these corpses
It took me three tries. Took it back up during tough times. Found some better ways to cope, mostly Stoicism. I’ve recommended it to at least a dozen others over the years with about 90% success.
In this article, the interviewed person explicitly denounced Hamas. It might not be the case in other places, but there is room to support the victims on both sides, and denounce the both governments that lead to this terrible situation. Hamas was elected, but then fixed it so they can’t be removed from power. Israeli officials, specifically Bibi, benefited from having Hamas in power to motivate by fear. Hamas has support from Iran because it’s easier to antagonizing Israel through Hamas. Egypt doesn’t want Hamas, they won’t even open their boarders. There are no good guys here. Israel denied a Palestine state from the beginning. Israeli settlers near Gaza are conducting pogroms, clearing out entire villages, murdering Palestinians.