• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Shit shit shit, I just remembered I haven’t attended English class all semester.

    Shit shit shit, I can’t remember my locker combination, and I can’t find the orientation sheet that has it, also I can’t find my class schedule, I have no idea what class I’m supposed to be in right now.

    Plus a few other variations. All High School. I dunno why the focus on High School, I’m 34. I get one of these once or twice a month.

  • Main difference there being that switching cities means probably switching ISPs. You can absolutely carry over your IP address when you move between the same provider, if that’s part of your service plan, and that may well happen with some ISPs even without it being part of your plan. There just isn’t really much of a need for people to carry a static IP, except for some businesses, and I’d say the main reason is that people don’t visit websites by memorizing and typing in an IP. They do memorize and type in phone numbers.

  • Generally speaking, fault protection schemes need only account for one fault at a time, unless you’re a really large business, or some other entity with extra-stringent data protection requirements.

    RAID protects against drive failure faults. Backups protect against drive failure faults as well, but also things like accidental deletions or overwrites of data.

    In order for RAID on backups to make sense, when you already have RAID on your main storage, you’d have to consider drive failures and other data loss to be likely to occur simultaneously. I.E. RAID on your backups only protects you from drive failure occurring WHILE you’re trying to restore a backup. Or maybe more generally, WHILE that backup is in use, say, if you have a legal requirement that you must keep a history of all your data for X years or something (I would argue data like this shouldn’t be classified as backups, though).