Personally, I have colour-capable bulbs in my bedroom (paired with a smart switch). Using Adaptive lighting ( was a breeze to setup and offers more capabilities than I even need.
That’s an impressive stack you were able to build. How long did it take you?
It sucks, doesn’t it? When I saw that you bought WD Red, I was heading out to the comments to alert you of that. Try to return your order, buy Seagate IronWolf instead and remember to never buy WD again.
I know nothing about what a BPI R4 is. My take : let the router be a router : don’t run container(s) on it. If you need containers: Take a x86 box, Run an hypervisor OS (e.g. Proxmox), create a VM for your router OS (openWRT, OPNsense, etc.) and pass through your Network Interface Card(s). Then run your containers on the host OS or in a dedicated VM.