• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • While I am impressed that No Man’s Sky pulled a 180 in the end and I doubt they’ll repeat the same mistakes with this, a dose of some skeptism is always healthy.

    Also, doesn’t hurt to check what the thing looks like at release–we just had The Day Before pull the ol’ switcharoo on people, after all–and how it plays when it’s out before making a purchase (looking right at Cyberpunk the game vs Cyberpunk the game that was pitched to people, here…no amount of “it’s better now” is gonna bring the game that was hyped up before release/used “Work in Progress” as a shield to life. Not without a complete rework. Could also apply to the above The Day Before too). By all means, believe that the devs learned, I really hope they did, cuz as a Fantasy junkie, this looks like something I’d really enjoy…but also be at least a little cautious in what you’re gonna throw money at

  • Then nothing will ever improve or get done, because perfection is a myth that varies from person to person and even at it’s base definition (the quality or state of being perfect: such as freedom from fault or defect) is an impossibilty since anything created by man is gonna be as faulty as we are…and for those that choose to follow it, what happens is they become hard procrastinators, because they’re setting stupidly high standards for themselves or others that border on impossible to keep.

    There’s a reason why saying like “perfection is the enemy of good/ finished” and “aim for good, not perfect” exist.

    Not even gonna touch on morality. That’s a whole other can of worms I’m too exhausted to open.

  • We can only hope the ones that sparkle are powerful enough to outshine the waves of those who would drown us all in violence, crime, and stupidity.

    Indeed. “Wait, and hope” as the Count of Monte Cristo says (at least I think. Haven’t dusted off that book in a while), but also, if possible, become one of the few that sparkle among the masses.

    Appreciate that we ended this discussion amiciably in the end!

  • Don’t really wanna play the “no, YOU don’t understand” game here, but I dunno, from what I’m seeing in both society and nature…the way the world works is that there is no objective good and evil in it. Those are labels humans made up to feel better about some actions we see around us that we don’t like or find abhorant. Not saying some of the things we and animals have done onto others isn’t straight up horrible, some of it ABSOLUTELY is (as someone who has deep roots down South of the USA, yeah, I’ve seen some of the horrible things the cartels have inflicted on others for various reasons), but I’m also not going to sit here and pretend it’s something only humanity does or that they invented to be evil. Animals can kill and torture for fun and sport too, that’s been documented several times over. Doesn’t make em evil tho. The whole “but we more often choose to be cruel anyway” is a fairly narrow mind generalization that dismisses the fact that just as much people choose to do the exact opposite of what you claim, but don’t get a spotlight on them because they’re not stirring things up, and so nobody actually cares about what they do.

    That the Trump Supporters “regret it now” kinda proves my point too, actually. If the people rioting really were these evil monsters like you want to claim they are, they’d have zero regret or remorse about their actions and would be proud of what they did. And yeah, i know there’s always going to be that one handful of people that ARE proud of their stupidity, there always is and always will be these types of people for as long as people (and animals, because yeah, some animals display oddities that differ from known behaviors and patterns of their kin) are a thing. And it’ll keep going long after we’re gone and something else takes our place. But just because some of us act a certain way doesn’t mean the entire species is deserving to be damned or automatically makes us a lost cause. That’s actually a pretty narrow minded opinion to have, actually. And again, that’s deliberately ignoring the Trump supports you yourself brought up (the ‘truly kind or intelligent person [that] would have said, “Screw that. There’s a line I’m not willing to cross, ethically or morally.”’ that you mentioned in your response), the ones who saw all that chaos and did just that: saying “this is both wrong and disgusting, and I’m not taking part in this”. Because those people do exist. I know they do, because my brother in-law is one, so is one of my former coworkers, Hardcore Republican (almost cultish IMO, but that’s neither here nor there), but was thoroughly disgusted at what she saw that day–and they can hardly be the only ones. Since you mentioned them, you yourself know they exist too. But well, nuance is nuance, i suppose. It’s much easier to try and fit everything into a small little category and leave it at that vs actually acknowledging “life is simple, humans are complicated. Sometimes stupidly so”.

  • Dunno if I’d consider myself “younger” anymore (who am i kidding, i ain’t THAT old lol), but…

    If we count really old games: the OG castlevania’s. Didn’t grow up during that era, but thanks to handmedowns, i got to play pre Symphany Vania when i was super young. Love them, wish i was better at them tho. The collections are sitting in my steam library, and maybe some day, I’ll beat at least one of the classics.

    For something more recent(?) tho, i love me some Touhou. fangames, offically made games by Zun, fan games in the style of Zun, ya name it…but MAN do i suck at the actual bullethell Touhou games. i can make it past two or 3 stages, but then the boss destroys me and I’m like “I CAN choose continue, nothing but pride is stopping me…but also, if i can’t manage this far without continuing, how bad is the rest gonna be??” and wuss out lol

  • We’re evil, we’re sick, we’re all the same.

    Screw that. Humans aren’t “evil” or “sick” or “vile”, but we can be cruel. We also aren’t peaceful, but we can be kind, and at least give it the old college try more than most people like to admit we do. All we are is just animals, and slightly smarter or otherwise, we do as other animals do.

    Enslaving and using others for our benefits like ants do to other ants, competeing for resources and territory for ourselves or own little group, without consideration for anyone outside of that group, just like chimp communities and various groups, and so on, and so on. It’s not evil. Just nature being cruel and messed up, as it always is.

    At the very least, (and why I abhor this take that humans are a buncha monsters and/or are worse than animals) for all our flaws, we can look at all the above and decide to NOT go through with it as hard as an incect colony wiping out their enemies to complete extermination, or even to forgo violence at all or show restraint when grabbing things for ourselves–Reptile brain be damned.

  • So we’re basically saying the same thing about the subject then. Wonderful. Dunno how you got me saying “It’s not going to affect the life of the person viewing it unless said person lets it” to mean “it applies to people who damned themselves down this road willing and people who has an actual problem with it” in the context of OP’s question

    Now, “Ungenerous interpretation of what [you] said” where, exactly?

    You asked “does it include compulsive gamblers?”

    And I answered No, because I answered the OP’s question from a general perspective–not asking as someone who already has a compulsive urge to masturbate/drink/gamble/whathaveyou. The first one can be affected either positively or negatively by something, if they let the habit control them vs the other way around, while the other’s already affected in a negative way, so i didn’t bother bringing them up. (Not even touching on the fact that it should be obvious, or well, at least it is to me, you CANNOT advise or help an addict in the same way you’re going to advise a person whose curious/a bit green on something they wanna try)

    Wait, was it in my anecdote about me deing a drunk? If that’s the case, then there was a failure to communicate on my part and I apologize. I didn’t mean to imply that you said “all porn bad”, i said it to point out how distiling something that to a basic category like “all alcohol is bad” without the nuance of “it’s less the thing and more the different people interacting with the thing” to be…well, bad, and reductive because context matters.

  • The alcholic is already in a habit. What i put was not written with the idea of an addict in mind, simply that the act (porn) is not some evil, rotten thing that should be avoided like the plague, but should instead be treated as a neutral thing and viewed with moderation–should a normal, non-addicted person decide to do so at all.

    Also, that you used that specific example for your comment, considering I actually did put the bottle down a while ago because yeah, boiling it down, it pretty much was destroying my relationships and not doing my already weak ass immune system any favors, made me crack a smile NGL

  • You’re speaking about a compulsive habit at that point, so no. That’s a completely different animal than what i meant.

    I wrote the above along the lines of “Is the action bad in of itself? No. CAN it turn into a bad habit and hurt a person? Yes. All depends on the person interacting with it”

    Like, as a former (recovering? Don’t drink anymore, besides, at best, 1 bottle at gatherings, if even that, and sometimes during hangouts) alcoholic, yeah I’ll call out when companies and other people try to enable someone with a drinking problem to keep going…but I’m also not gonna go around and say “all alcoholic beverages bad” because I recklessly abused something that is known to hurt the body if used without restraint and paid for it. Maybe it’s a poor comparison since porn can’t physically hurt you the way alcohol can (tho it can mentally warp a person in some ways, especially if they’re younger/have nobody to teach them properly about sexual education) but that’s the only example I can give and i hope i got my point across.

  • IDK, if both my very-much-not-so tech savy siblings, mother, and even an idiot like myself can all pick up and use it with very few, if any, hiccups, then “user expierence” on Linux is…

    Not hard. Or, well, in general as well. The more I hear people go “Learning Linux is hard” and hear them out, the more I’ve come to realize they’re actually trying to say “Unlearning Windows is hard”. Which is absolutely true, considering 95% of people use Windows basically out the womb…and then they keep using it/put up with it no matter what unless you’re like one of my old professors who didn’t “need windows” for his work (and used Mac all the way), or like me and several others who got tired of Windows constantly messing up on me–or being invasive of your privacy, bloated, all of the above. Take your pick–enough where I just said “you know what, no. I have options besides basically throwing dice at the wall with this. They can’t be that bad.” (spoiler alert: they weren’t bad at all).

    And again, unless you’re throwing yourself off the Linux deep end from second one and trying to build the system from scratch or compile Gentoo by yourself, learning it isn’t this grueling, impossible task. Plus there’s free resourses that can make it even simpler for you if you want to more than learn as you go. There’s growing pains, yeah, but no different than learning anything new in life