Why do women avoid men so much?
They perceive men to be threats, nuisances, duplicitous, and generally contemptible, so it’s primarily out of fear.
Whether that fear is justified, conditioned, misplaced, or outright misandry is hotly debated, but it’s my opinion that the root of it is a very human epigenetic, prehistoric, and primal fear of the “other”; in this case, the “other” is a man.
Surface-to-intrasolar-space propulsion technology, in its current iteration, to reach escape velocity is prohibitively expensive.
Currently, we use combustion. My instincts tell me that an “electro-gravitic” paradigm in propulsion is next.
Before that, we must have a revolutionary breakthrough or discovery in our fundamental understanding of physics.
Basically, we’re not smart enough and too low on the Kardashev scale to get a decent ROI on such an endeavour.