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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Because (Christian) “Faith” is a unique, arguably delusional, cyclical belief system based on feelings. It’s similar to the anti-vaccine mentality of “that’s just your opinion” when it’s not. The biggest difference being that there is no proving or disproving the existence of God.

    And Faith is built on this self-referential system of “you gotta have Faith in God because God is real and God is good and strong Faith will help you continue believing in God when you are otherwise challenged, and weak Faith is a sign that you are straying from God and you should strengthen your Faith by believing in God harder because God is real and God is good…”

    I used to be more religious and also thought “believe in whatever you want to believe in as long as you don’t be a dick about it,” but that’s really been changing a lot lately.

    Christianity has fallen so far and so many self-diagnosed Christians are just the worst type of people that I just couldn’t relate to them anymore and felt the need to distance myself.

    There have probably been (speculation because I don’t feel like looking up details right now) more deaths in the name of Christianity and the Christian God than any other religion and that continues to this day.

    I contribute modern day deaths from pregnancy complications deprived of needed health care, general lack of other health care for low income families, LGBTQIA2A+ suicides or other deaths, and more to “traditional Christian values”.

    Christian Nationalists can go fuck themselves and rot in their own hell they hate so much.

  • I’m so sorry.

    One of my childhood dogs started having seizures until one night she started seizing and just never stopped. We laid her in the laundry basket with towels and I gently held her down so she didn’t thrash too hard to further hurt herself.

    My dad called the vet to see if they could have her put down ASAP. They said they couldn’t, but it was well after hours though. I probably sat there for 3-4 hours or so myself until finally my dad just told me to go to bed and he’d take her in the morning. I even offered to put her down myself because, I mean fuck. I couldn’t just sit there and watch her struggle let alone imagine how she felt. We tried to do whatever we could to help ease her pain/passing including crushing up a muscle relaxer with water and syringing it into her mouth. I would have tried anything.

    I don’t know when I feel asleep but it was hard not to hear an occasional sound even through probably 2-3 closed doors and down a flight of stairs.