• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I don’t know a lot of the specifics, but to provide a couple points that help put things into context:

    In regards to manufacturing different more-similar models, this is often the result of binning. A bunch of CPUs will be made at once through the same process, but as CPU production is an incredibly precise process, theres still quite a bit of variety between the results. You can think of it the same as separating grades of produce on a farm. The best stuff becomes the higher-tier, more expensive models, the average stuff get an average price, and the worst stuff becomes a budget option. This provides 3 separate models for no manufacturing resources.

    Similarly, some lower end parts, in some cases, can even come from defective higher-tier parts. I believe AMD released a model like that a year or two ago, which is an easy way to recoup costs and avoid waste.

    Also notable is that the range of products and prices also allows for targeting a wider range of customers. For example, Ryzen 3 would be those who just want something that works, but won’t spend much, Ryzen 5 is for average people who just want a good processor but don’t want to spend much, Ryzen 7 is enthusiasts, and Ryzen 9 is people doing specialized commercial work or enthusiasts with more money than sense. All of these are not just different products, but also allow the company to charge different margins - low end won’t spend much whereas high-end is willing to spend money and often expects a monitary return from their purchase. Most consoles and pre-builts are more towards the low-end, but theres still penty of demand for those higher-end parts for better performance or for complex work that needs it.

  • I mean, as grim as it is, how many people get the luxury of a safe environment when they die, nonetheless proper care and support. Half the world barely even has access to real medicine, and even in the most developed and progressive countries, medical assistance isn’t always adequate and not everything can be predicted or prevented. Not everyone meets death in pain but most do. The reality is death (and health issues in general) does tend to be scary regardless of what comes after. At the same time, thats all the more reason to care for each other and push for a safer and more caring world, be it in preventative safety measures or in proper care for those who are terminally ill, not just for the wealthy, but for everyone.

  • Same way as anywhere else, but with fewer built-in middle men.

    Ads can be served by instances or by individual creators. I expect if the Fediverse grows, many creators will be posting regular ads or sponsored content. The Fediverse has no built-in system for that, which makes it more difficult, but also so much more flexable as instances, platforms, and users can build, integrate, or negotiate whatever fits their needs.

    Similarly, creators can take commisions or sell their work as rhey would elsewhere. If anything, this is easier as creators can easily link or promote whatever service fits their needs from a personal website (IE a store) to a Patreon.

  • Unfortunately, I would not be suprised.

    I joined towards the beginning of the Reddit migration, so Im not an OG user or anything, but even in the few months that I’ve used it, Lemmy feels like its become far smaller and more hostile.

    As you said, when I joined, there was obviously biases, echo-chambers, and trolls, but there was good faith discussions, and arguments on viewpoints rather than just personal attacks or downvotes en-masse with zero rebuttal. As of writing, this post is a pretty perfect example of the change. There are a couple responses with little detail, a highly upvoted personal attack, and all OPs comments are downvoted.

    My best guess is that the lack of content has pushed away more of the average users, leaving mostly just the stubborn and elitist. Making it worse, the lack of content pushes users to /all where they find content not aimed at them. This hostility obviously pushes people away, and causes the issues to snowball. I honestly have no idea how we fix it at this point. It might just be down to getting it more casual users to offset the toxic users, but without huge amounts of funding, I don’t see that happening.

  • Both sex and gender are spectrums, and neither are distributed as neatly and bimodally as cis-heteronormative society (and your fourth grade biology teacher) would have you believe.

    No one here is arguing this. The commenter you replied to even acknowledged that his definition wasn’t all-inclusive. The point people are making is that even just knowing whether you were born with a penis, a vagina, or somewhere in-between has its uses, esspecially in a medical context.

    Trans people are whatever gender they tell you they are, and just like you wouldn’t ask cis people for their chromosomal make up to confirm their gender, there is no rational reason to do so to trans people before you accept this (outside of transphobia).

    Again, you’re arguing against a strawman. Everyone here has agreed with this sentiment. The disagreement is in the specifics of defining, sex not that of gender, and esspecially not the validity of anyone’s gender.