• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Hmmm it was even able to pull in private DMs.

    Maybe private DMs on Mastadon aren’t as private as everyone thinks… that, or the open nature of Activity Pub is leaking them somehow?

    Edit - From the article:

    Even more shocking is the revelation that somehow, even private DMs from Mastodon were mirrored on their public site and searchable. How this is even possible is beyond me, as DM’s are ostensibly only between two parties, and the message itself was sent from two hackers.town users.

    From what @[email protected] mentioned below, it sounds like this shouldn’t be very shocking at all.

  • SD? SD 3? The weights? All the above?

    Stable Diffusion is an open source image generating machine learning model (similar to Midjourney).

    Stable Diffusion 3 is the next major version of the model and, in a lot of ways, it looks better to work with than what we currently have. However, up until recently we were wondering if we would even get the model since Stability AI ran out of funding and they’re in the midst of being sold off.

    The “weights” refer to the values that make up the neural network. Basically by releasing the weights they are essentially saying that they are making the model open-source so that the community can retrain/fine-tune the model as much as we want.

    They made a wait list for those who are interested in getting notified once the model is released, and they turned it into a pun by calling it a “weights list”.

  • This sounds like what TOR users run into. Are you always clearing your browsing data/cookies in Firefox? A fairly blank slate there will raise some red flags in a lot of systems causing the captchas to be aggressive.

    Otherwise, maybe you just ended up with a bad IP address that was previously being used for suspicious bot looking traffic?

    I would definitely submit a ticket to Etsy about this issue, but this is likely an issue with captcha or whatever they’re using to detect “suspicious activity”.

    Edit: I just tried logging in to Etsy and it gave me about 4 captchas for signing in with a “new device”.

    Looks like google really needs help training their self driving cars.

  • Interesting. Didn’t know this was a feature. How does the filter work? Completely hides comments/posts containing the keyword?

    Or does it do something like Steam does by turning every letter into a ♥?

    I tried to add the word “swipe” to the filter list, but I can still see the other 2 comments on this post along with the word “swipe”.