Keyoxide: (think PGP key but modern and easier to use)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • The Brussels effect is the process of unilateral regulatory globalisation caused by the European Union de facto (but not necessarily de jure) externalising its laws outside its borders through market mechanisms.

    The California effect is the shift of consumer, environmental and other regulations in the direction of political jurisdictions with stricter regulatory standards. The name is derived from the spread of some advanced environmental regulatory standards that were originally adopted by the U.S. state of California and eventually adopted in other states.

    The Brussels/California effects are when the EU/California make a law that applies to the EU/California but for various reasons is followed globally/across the US

  • We have seen a bunch of samples float, and we have seen papers detect no superconductivity on samples that don’t float. The missing damning evidence would be a paper that manages to produce samples that do float but aren’t superconducting. Instead we are getting a slow trickle of reasons why other causes for the material to float are less and less likely, while superconductivit in lk99 is still perfectly plausible. Not to mention the various theoretical papers that also seem to indicate very high temperature superconductivity is plausible to expected in lk99.

    On top of all that there is a second group that has a prepub paper showing high temperature superconductivity.

    For this to turn into a nothing burger either all the various observed cases of levitation would all have to be wrong somehow, or despite all theoretical expectations this material would have to be diamagnetic, while also being a high temperature superconductor (which is a pretty rare combination of properties on top), or the paper measuring high temperature superconductivity would have to be wrong and still despite all theoretical expectations this material would have to be diamagnetic not superconducting even though our (admitedly flawed) models indicate the reverse.

  • Why do banks require "safety"net on their apps now? The safest roms specifically don’t have the security nightmare that is google play services, and banking apps are always the hardest to get working.

    It is a symbiotic relationship. Regulators hear about the next wave of compromised online banking, add some law requiring whatever, banks are stuck having to comply and in comes google with “Hey this great webDRM/safetynet/playprotect totally complies with this”, which it doesn’t really but google has the capabilities to lock up any legal processes about it for years when they bring in the next thing and repeat. Banks in large part know it’s bullshit but don’t care, they’re off the hook (They are the ones doing 2 factor by making the banking app on your phone require a confirmation in your tan app on your phone to make a transaction, they don’t give a rats ass about the safety of their systems).

    Banks get someone shielding them from regulations for cheap, google gets partners that can help them lock you in their proprietary system, and you get extra work on your rooted phone and can’t fully remove play services.