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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2023

  • No reputable scientific consensus report indicates we’re all going to die or anything close.

    Depends who you are. Middle-class american living not too close to a coast? Yea you’re probably fine, you’ll get hotter summers and colder winters but you’ll survive.

    Poor and living nearby to coast or such that can get more easily affected by climate change? You could be pretty fucked by mother nature by chance.

  • Isn’t this a kind of positive feedback circle though? Right-wing wins, left-wing people move and leave the country, leaving more and more right-wing people left. Then obviously right wing wins again next election, more left-wing people leave and so on and so on.

    This can also happen with just people moving from right-wing states to left-wing states. I suspect this is a contributing factor to the increasing split in american politics as people tend to stay where their politics align and leave where it doesn’t.

    This doesn’t seem sustainable? Unless the states split into more independent nations that don’t have to align on federal politics.

  • Well, in that case, maybe this is interesting to you. I ran a user survey last year for my instance and anyone else wanting to answer and one question was age. Here’s the age group graph:

    The y-axis is number of respondents, x-axis is age group. Obviously this only applies to the people that responded to the survey and thus might not apply in general to the fediverse, but it’s probably an indication. And, well, it’s mostly smoothly distributed without any major gaps or humps (slight hump at 30-34 but not sure if that’s statistically significant).

  • It’s inherently an american concept, which is what also annoys me as some Europeans have started importing the concept even though it makes little sense (I don’t really think it makes sense in the US either but the fact that it is imported is just extra stupid).

    I think people just love putting other people in boxes. Consider people complexly instead.