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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Been on my own since I as 17. The first few years were rough to say the least.

    I worked 2 jobs, 30-60 hrs per week and went to college. I shared shitty apartments with some pretty creepy people. I moved so constantly I ended up paying for a post office box so I could get my mail. I did not have a vehicle (no car) so I rode a bike for up to 60 miles per day. Even all that wasn’t enough without government grants and student loans to pay for college.

    Food was something that I ate when I had it. I spent a few months with mybe 4-5 real meals. Cornflakes and ramen where the bulk of my diet for a while.

    I took the first professional job I could find. It was terrible but it paid well. I gained 50lbs to be at a healthy weight the first year. The next few years I jumped around jobs until I landed in one I liked.

    The last few weeks before I graduated college I met my wife. Her family has become mine over the past 25 years.

    Today my income alone puts us in the top 10% of earners. My wife makes close to the same. At many crucual times in our lifes we’ve taken advantage of government assistance. To be blunt, it’s not possible to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. You need a helping hand once in a while no matter how small.

  • If you are not a neat person it’s hard to change to one when you have kids. A few tricks that my wife and I learned.

    Have smaller places for everything to go. We used the cube storage units, small bins etc. Young children’s find things by doing the toy dump. The smaller the bin the less toys are dumped. It’s amazing how much this helps. To contain the mess.

    Make picking up the entire house part of the bedtime routine. It’s pointless to do it in the mornings or during the day. 10 minutes later and it’s a mess everywhere. While they pickup, you lightly clean, run the vacuum, sweep, run the dishwasher etc.

    The largest issue is the deep clean. Getting all those jobs done that you just can’t get do easily with young kids underfoot. We made enough money to afford to hire a college student to deep clean once a week. It was 4 hours once a week on Saturday morning. One of us would clean with the college student while the other took the kids out to do things away from the house. We had no family nearby otherwise we would have done what my Sister-in-law did. Drop the kids off at the grandparents for a few hours while she and her husband cleaned.

  • It’s the same as the violent crime statistics from the FBI. The crime rate pre-1960’s was vastly under-reported. During the 70’s and 80’s cultural acceptance of violent crime declined so more crimes were reported.

    An excellent example is pre-1950’s spousal and child abusers were rarely if ever reported. Most people considered it a husbands right to beat the shit out of their wife and kids. As acceptance of the behavior decreased, reporting increased.

    The most recent one that has seen a huge change is rape. The highest rate of rape are in communities with the lowest reporting. For example, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Scientologist, baptist and anabaptist groups have horrendous rape victim shaming cultures.

    There is still large sections of the U.S. population that are okay with rape. Say anyone wearing a MAGA hat. However this is changing with the younger generations. Acceptance is declining and serial rapist are beginning to be held accountable.