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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I just switched to FastMail a few weeks ago with my own domains to move away from Google, to prevent this vary possibility.

    I realize how screwed I am if my email carrier arbitrarily decides to cut me off. Haven’t changed every account, but I started with my bank/financial accounts, and basically intend to change them over time; every time I log into an account for something, I plan to change it.

    Edit: Of course, not an advert for FastMail. They are simply who I choose; I own the domains, so I can easily switch to another provider in the future if I so choose without cutting off my accounts. I know more privacy focused people tend to prefer Proton Mail or Tuta Mail. I’m fine with the choices fastmail makes in comparison to the other providers, for the specific features they are able to offer for giving up E2E encryption, a reasonably price family plan, and some more generous offering for value/price.

    If someone requires the extra privacy, for sure go for another provider.

  • I dunno, I watch YouTube on desktop with a premium account.

    Since they began experimenting with ad injection directly into videos a month or so ago, I no longer use YouTube really. Videos rarely load proper the first time. Often takes 7 or 8 reloads of the page to get a video to start, sometimes stopping mid video.

    Clearly since I can get it to play, it feels like a Google problem. Could be because I’m on Firefox, or Linux though (maybe even an update to something else, but all other video streaming services work just fine). Turning off uBlock Origin and uMatrix do not help at all.

    Even if it isn’t Google’s fault, it’s still causing me to not use their service anymore. Feels like they are just trying to drive away users in general.

  • I do use passphrases, but I combine with randomness.

    I memorize one random 8 character string to use with something more memorable.

    Then when I need more security, or I feel that random 8 character string is no longer safe (password leak/hacked), I memorize a new 8 character string.

    Then I combine them.

    Then I memorize a new 8 character string and mix it in.

    It’s a process built up over years that ingrains into memory. Sometimes I forget the order, or if i added spaces, or did no spaces. Luckily, as long as I am sure of the discrete segments, I can remix them to recreate until it works (in a reasonable time).

    My last addition was when I made the move from Lastpass to another password manager, after their endless bad news.

  • All for reducing copyright to 25 years or less.

    DMCA… I’m a bit fuzzy on the details, been a while, and the media mostly talks about DMCA take down notices. DMCA includes the clauses that prevent people from tinkering and modifying things they bought/own if manufacturers put any preventative measures in place right (including repairing)? If so, I’m fully up for revisiting that.

    But never, NEVER, NEVER touch Section 230. And anyone attacking it is likely being disingenuous , or doesn’t really understand how Section 230 and the internet work (and are unlikely to write better legislation).

  • While there are many other pressing issues about our democracy (from an American perspective), this is the strongest issue I take.

    I can’t see things turning out well with Trump as a wartime president, particularly if he just keeps America out of important matters on the world stage (or worse yet, panders and sides with those who seek harm to America and the ‘West’. Let your allies weaken enough/succumb to your ‘enemies’, and it ultimately weakens oneself.

  • I love 3D movies.

    That said, I refuse to go to a movie theater now days.

    I’d rather just buy the movie on Streaming and watch any time I want, as many times as I want.

    But I don’t have 3D at home, or a home theater type setup, so, it is just something I go without. Would of course love a home theater with 3D capability, but that ain’t happening, so, life goes on.