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Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Because Elmo demands that his people redesign the idea of a car from the ground up, just because he wants to prove he’s The Most Special Boy. Remember when they were having all those problems with power steering, and they were like, “hey, our company is basically brand new, we’re still working out some kinks.”

    Like, power steering has been solved for a long time now, there’s no need to try to reinvent it.

    I’m surprised that they haven’t released any cars with three, five, or six wheels yet.

  • Back in the day I worked in a restaurant that closed down, and the owner tried to steal all of our last two weeks’ pay.

    It had been announced ahead of time that the place was going to close at the end of the month, and we were actually a very popular place, so the last two weeks were completely sold out, crazy busy, and there should have been lots of tips. After we closed, they kept dragging out the date we could get out last paychecks, then finally just tried saying, “there won’t be any last paychecks.”

    All of us employees got together with a lawyer and they sent a letter saying that they needed to give us our last paychecks or we would file a class action lawsuit for all the tips they’d been stealing out of the tip pool. He then relented and agreed to pay us our last checks, but refused to mail them. When I went to pick up the check, dude really had the balls to try to shake my hand and say, “Hey Turtle Joe, how’s the summer going? Take any vacations or anything?”

    I left him hanging and said, “No I’ve been out of work for months now. I’m not here to talk to you, I just need my check.”

    P.S. we sued him for wage theft anyway and ended up taking him for almost $200k.