• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Stay and vote. The way I see it, Canada is fucked if PP wins anyways, and will be hurt by Trump regardless. Europe is fucked if the alt right wins in France and hobbles Germany in the next couple elections. Nigel Farage is going to parasitically eat the conservatives from the inside out in the UK. Trump will pull put of NATO, which means war on Europe’s doorstep and probably all of south east Asia if China decides they don’t mind war.

    Running isn’t going to work. Voting and protesting and political action is what will keep us all at peace and ever vigilant against populism and later, fascism. All hope isn’t lost. We still can undo the damage and categorically reject hate and corruption that is threatening democracies worldwide (and already dooming authoritarian countries with massive population gaps and economic damage)

  • Yeah, that was a bit depressing. The PFAS make it a lot more water soluble. My guess is that old TP didn’t break down very well at all, and was kinda splintery (or at least more paper-y).

    Luckily, the bidet removes much of that as long as you don’t use TP. And for those that have bad pipes or a septic system, I think a bidet is an invaluable part of saving you lots of money, since you aren’t packing extra material down the pipes.

  • Any bidet is better than no bidet. The hand ones are great. But the Japanese ones with zero hand contact minimizes the potential for fecal-oral contact even more, just in case someone doesn’t do a great job washing their hands in a hospital or food service setting.

    Side note, it really irritates me when people take a shit, wet their hands, and leave. Wash your hands with soap and water. It takes 20 seconds.

    If you don’t, you are now slinging potential shit water everywhere.

  • This type is pretty good, but for food service workers, hospitals, and retirement homes, I’d prefer the hands-free ones with wide nozzles and oscillating sprayheads. Norovirus is a stupidly contagious GI bug, and for healthcare and food service, I want as little fecal-oral contamination as possible. Hand washing is great, but some people are terrible handwashers, and minimizing the potential vectors as much as possible is always appreciated.

    Toilet paper itself is already pretty unsanitary. I wish all food service places had bidets for this reason alone.

  • Not currently, but I might temporarily move back with family as my lease is ending soon, and I want to save money for a house or condo. I also would rather not sign a lease on a small place, and be stuck with a tiny 1bd studio apartment when my fiancé moves in with me. But I also don’t want to throw a ton of cash away on a 2bd unnecessary.

    I wish rent wasn’t so insane. I blame most of the companies now using algorithmic rent to control vast swaths of housing here.

    Once I switch jobs and really know where my new career is taking me, I can really start looking at the housing market. Praying for a good housing crash, or a dip that causes Black Rock and the other investment firms to panic sell all their real estate ❤️

  • Playing outside a lot more, which was really fun. Hit the beach or swim docks and jumped off the highdives. Went camping. Bike adventures, etc. Lots more physical toys like nerf, Lego, beyblades, etc. CD music players, cassette music players, or MP3 music players, depending on the era.

    People on the metro buses would read the paper to pass the time, listen to music, or read a book.

    Back then, you could rent videos or games at a rental place, and there were many more physical hobby shops (there still are, but for live stuff, like aquariums now). Malls were a lot more alive and were true third places. Though even back then, I found people gorging themselves in a materialistic frenzy rather…distasteful. People still do it, just via Amazon and fast fashion online.

    The biggest things I remember were how chill people were, the ubiquity of newspapers, smoking and cigarette holders outside, a lack of really any graffiti, and people being incredibly chill and a bit more open. There were also like, zero bike lanes or rail, so everyone drove everywhere.