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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • You just described a somewhat progressive leaning liberal.

    You believe that the government should stay our of our homes, socially. Progressives have been leading that charge for decades, and moderates have been on board for a while now.

    You believe in universal Healthcare and income. Those are very progressive ideals. Those are about as anti libertarian as it gets, because they take away a lot of “individual” freedom, because to fund that, roughly half of your income will need to go to taxes. Maybe more, I haven’t looked at the numbers in a long time, but plenty of current examples to pick from.

    You believe in industrial regulation to combat bad actors when necessary. That is a general liberal ideal.

    Nothing besides keeping the government away from your personal life is even marginally libertarian. And that’s pretty much the only overlap between libertarianism and liberalism.

    This is all from a U.S. point of view.

  • Uh huh. If aliens were able to reach our solar system, do you think they would give one shit about being seen by a primitive civilization with zero space defenses?

    If we’re talking about signs of alien life from deep space scans, do you really think that the scientists that found this evidence, who have spent their life pursuing the better understanding of the galaxy, would keep quiet about it at the behest of whatever government?

    Life isn’t that interesting. There’s no massive multi-government conspiracy. We couldn’t even get governments to shut down borders or enforce mandates on wearing mask when a global pandemic of unknown severity was ongoing.

    You’ve watched too much fictional media if you think any conspiracy of that level is remotely plausible.

  • Man, you really set up some naked strawman arguments on the regular. At least put some old jeans on your poor strawmen.

    Trump is the biggest grifter, in a party of grifters. Trump literally 1st party fleeces with shit like golden sneakers, Trump trading card NFTs, Trump bibles, etc. Straight from the horses mouth.

    Then, as a grifter of grifters, there’s a whole other layer of 3rd party grifters trying to cash in with Trump gold coins, Trump bucks, etc.

    And you’re trying to both sides equate this to a shitty poll on a Democratic fund raising group’s website.
