Master of Applied Cuntery, Level 7 Misanthrope, and Social Injustice Warrior

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • I remember a talk show where some Christian minister or priest thought he could attribute western advancement (political, social, science) to Christianity. Because, look at all those Muslim countries and how backwards they are. Which, of course, is complete nonsense. All social, political, and scientific progress in Europe (and by extension the world) was achieved against church resistance. If it was for the church, we would still live in monarchies, without electricity, and only pray for health. You’re making the same fallacy: here (west) good and we have capitalism, there bad and %something_else. So it must be thanks to capitalism. No. Capitalism is happy to exploit you in a dictatorship, theocracy, oligarchy, … Capitalism loves slavery. Capitalism loves monopolies to extract even more money (and by extension undervalued labor) from you. Capitalism loves poverty because it means cheap workforce. Capitalism doesn’t give a fuck if you are killed or maimed at a job if replacing you is cheaper than preventing accidents. Capitalism only serves the people with the capital. Everybody else gets fobbed off with peanuts and will happily be sacrificed to the machine if it makes a profit. Are we better off in a capitalist system than our ancestors three or four generations prior? Yes. Is that thanks to capitalism? No. It is despite capitalism and thanks to the restrictions we put on it. Restrictions which get continuously eroded.

  • Podcast recommendation for people like me who like to listen because they don’t find time to read as much as they’d like and don’t have first hand experience/memory of the Cuban revolution and the following intertwined history with the US, because, well, they weren’t born yet:

    After a critically-acclaimed retelling of the Iraq War, season two of Blowback presents the unlikely story of the Cuban Revolution: America’s Cold War crusade brings the world to a nuclear-tipped showdown between the Kennedy brothers, Fidel Castro, the Soviet Union, the CIA, and the Mafia. Co-hosted by Brendan James and Noah Kulwin, season two is a 10-part account of how the United States tried and failed to thwart the creation of a socialist government less than a hundred miles to its south.

    The style of the podcast, with two moderators, took some getting used to for me. But I learned to love it. It is very comprehensive and in-depth. You can find it pretty much everywhere; I listened to it on spotify.