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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 15th, 2023


  • I find this a seemingly straight-forward point I’ve never gotten a religious person to acknowledge.

    because they don’t see it that way, they have their own understanding of free will, religion sells itself as test ( for the most part ), if you pass the test ( temptation or whatever you wanna call it ) you’re qualified to enter heaven, so in a way even if you’re born christian or a Muslim you still going to get tested, so in their view it doesn’t change anything, but from our perspective, it changes everything because we bet that if their parents didn’t make them that way, they would never go that route on their own…

    99.99999% of people follow the religion they do because their parents did. Not because it’s true. That Christian, that Hindu, that Jew. It’s just because they were told it was true at birth.

    That’s why we must address the root cause of all this, which is religion, in Islam for example “Prophet” Mohammed piss be upon him, said

    “Every child is born in a state of fitrah, then his parents make him into a Jew or a Christian or a Magian.” (Agreed upon)

    As you can see, Mohammed doesn’t apply his own observation on his beliefs and because people glorify him, they will never dare to question his reasoning, which is also their own reasoning now…

    You can tell a religious person to criticise everything and everyone, and they can, tell them to redirect their critism to their own belief, and suddenly they’ll become intellectually handicapped

  • Which one pops to mind first, even if it’s not the most fucked up one you’ve come across?

    what I remember for sure, is the general theme of these books ( made me really disgusted and depressed ) which… is hatred…

    alot of things that we consider wrong, you name it… are normalized… Not directly but they’re presented in a certain way, that is justifiable…like… say racism…homophobia… Murder… Etc…

    Edit : Of course, that’s wrong no matter how they try to justify them…

    1. The Human Meat restaurant ( Tag: Conspiracy )

    Takes place in NYC, a story about Dr. Joseph Lister who works for the Mafia under a guy named Lucky Lusiano, so this Doctor guy works inside a building that looks like any normal building, but it’s actually a secret club, for the Mafia… And other shady people…

    Inside that building there’s a butchery ( or butcher shop ), where he inspects the human meat that will be served to the club members…

    So one day he decides to get that story out, and he goes to the FBI…👀… He spoke to the head of the FBI who told him to act normal and go to work the next day…

    The next day he walks in to that building were he saw the FBI director standing next to Lucky Luciano, and his family on their knees… I’ll let you guess what happens next

    Tap for spoiler


    That’s not the only fucked up part, a lot of restaurants, famous ones like McDonald are serving human meat, and people love it because it’s actually delicious… The author claims…

    From where they’re getting this meat ? Homeless people… Again according to the author…

    1. Black Boner ( I’m serious… 🙂 ) ( Tag: Erotic )

    CW: Homophobia, Racism

    Ok… I’m genuinely worried about the mental state of this author…

    basically this guy wrote a novel about himself, where he turned himself into a… a gifted fucker… shall we say…

    would somebody tell this guy this is not a real flex? his crush irl won’t be impressed

    1. Evidence Of Honey ( Tag: Erotic )

    CW: dehumanizing objectification

    So this author views men as sex toys, like on the first page… aside from that there’s something really interesting going on for this novel, she descibes her sexual experiences ( yuck I must tell you ), but she says she’s doing it for “research purposes”… ( lol, i know ), like she quotes verses from the Hadith ( Hadith is any book that gathers and curates all of Prophets Mohamed’s sayings and deeds, the two Major ones are Sahih Muslim & Sahih Bukhari ) and she tells us that she’s having random sex with strangers to apply the stuff Prophet Mohammed did with his wives… her reasoning is: if we’re going to take Prophet Mohammed as a roll model, we might as well … include his sex life…( she triggered a lot of Muslims because of this, but I’ll give this one another read to fact check some stuff despite how cringy it is )

    published English translation

    You’d be right, you guys don’t even get the real translation of the Qur’an and Hadith… just a watered down version… peaceful and cheerful…