Mean leftist who believes in magic genders

  • 3 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2023


  • If you get banned from one instance with any level of drama, the admins will gossip about you to their friends who admin other instances. Then you’re banned from two to three instances, and the next time you get into any kind of debate or disagreement, “ah, I see you were banned by three different instances, you must be a troublemaker.” Before long the situation is, “I see that a dozen instances all completely independently decided to ban you. You must be a piece of shit.” ONE person can get you kicked off most of the fediverse because of the level of trust and respect for authority there is here.

    Anyway, ACAB.

  • For thousands of years, people walked on roads. That’s what they were for. They were also for horses, donkeys, and carts, but humans were a big part of it. And none of those four things really goes faster than a bike. Cars are new. Taking people and horses off roads is new. Being able to drive the speed limit is a new, temporary condition, and it can be taken away at any time. Blaming this on cyclists is a reaction based on a misunderstanding of what roads are for. Personally, I support legislature to let people walk on the road however they like again.