Pad Thai, found a recipient from Hot Thai Kitchen YouTube video. She made it look easy.
3 hr later I produced a goop that was un-edible. So bad my SO asked me never to try again.
Pad Thai, found a recipient from Hot Thai Kitchen YouTube video. She made it look easy.
3 hr later I produced a goop that was un-edible. So bad my SO asked me never to try again.
It is mind bending and believe changes with each episode
There is a breakfast pooridge that a French place server that is fantastic. I swear it has quinoa in it.
This shows up as a virtual device and uses the Spotify client to play into a virtual device. Works great and downloaded many things.
Great minds think alike!
Hours, max 12
And yes I take two showers a day. Got to keep all the bits clean.
I had a similar issue too. Tailscale messed up my resolv.conf and I rebuilt it to get basic dns working.
What I would do is look for a basic dns tutorial for Ubuntu to ensure either the local or remote dns server is working. Before you do that verify the internet is working by pinging something like or just as a sanity test. If that works then DNS is the last thing to get going.
This is spot on. We recently had to do this to one of our products and I didn’t want to at all, but we could do push notifications reliably that worked for both Android and iOS.
So we had to package it as an official app :(
This is the way. This way you use way less TP and get the good stuff.
You are right, I’ll break even eventually :)
We’ll this is bad news. I’m looking to start this journey but was hoping to save the $4-5 per cappuccino.
Resort fees, especially in Las Vegas.
Boom, I’m in the same boat.
Boom, I’m in the same boat.
Boom, I’m in the same boat.
I think you are 100% right. This is a slow burn not something that will happen overnight.
Just watched it the other night, 2013 RIPD. It was crazy, out there, pretty funny and just enjoyable to watch. 12% on rotten tomatoes
I really liked Tron Legacy. I keep hearing the next one in the works so cautiously awaiting to see what they release next.
Depending how adventurous you feel MX is an awesome place.
40down, 6up, 50USD/mo go USA! Only other option is Starlink which already had and was too unreliable.