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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 10th, 2022


  • You literally just described a settler state, complete with using reproduction as an occupying tactic.

    Israel, the state, is illegitimate and needs to be dissolved. The Israeli people can integrate and co-createba society with the Palestinians or they can GTFO. Any that stay to explicitly disrupt this and form reactionary movements can get rekt.

    However, as you say, this reality won’t stop the genocide. So a two-state solution is the most likely interim step.

  • How does this make any sense to you? Britain declared Palestine to be terra nullius while there were people living there. They did it so they could create a Jewish ethno state hoping they could get rid of the Jews in their country. They did it by bringing in the British army and shooting anyone who resisted.

    Israel has no legitimate claim to its existence as a state, it was created by the globe-dominating imperial colonizer at the point of a gun.

    And instead of spending the last century trying to make peace, Israel has been building an apartheid state and importing settlers from all over the world to illegally steal land from Palestinians, literally just showing up and taking over their homes, beating them, and summoning the militarized police to displace, beat, maim, and kill Palestinians.

    There is just no comparing the two sides.

  • Stop using the phrase “terrorist attack” to mean “unspeakable evil that can never ever be justified by anyone for anything and can never be questioned and must be responded to with all possible violence means necessary”.

    Terrorism is an act of political resistance, by definition. It is any violence used to inspire fear and bring about political change.

    The political change being sought is the end to slow genocide, the end to apartheid, the end to violent displacement, the end to violent neglect, the end to subjugation. When analyzing the situation, the decision was made by the resistance fighters that this action would lead to political change, and so far that possibility is still there.

    Israel’s response should have been ages ago. It has no legitimacy anymore. It exists purely through violent domination. There is no way for Israel to respond correctly except to begin the political process of dissolving itself and ceding power to the Palestinians. They won’t do this, so literally anything else is just going to be a continuation of the last 80 years of violent oppression. There’s no way for Israel to act correctly because it hasn’t been acting correctly for decades and responding to this attack isn’t going to change that.

    What might change it is their military being bested by the resistance, their missile defense shield being shown to not protect anyone, fear on the part of settlers causing them to abandon settlements, and internal rebellion demanding justice and ending the illegal occupation.

  • Then you don’t understand security.

    Security is when countries collaborate. Insecurity is when countries compete.

    The idea that not bringing in Russia is because of the cold war makes it sound like you think the military leaders who just fought 2 world wars believe that they just need to build high castle walls and then they will be secure. The world wars showed that security is a relationship between and among nations. The USSR wanted to do anything possible to avoid wars, but the West wasn’t interested in security, they were interested in competition.

    This is why they did not admit the USSR into NATO and why they don’t wish to entertain Russian entrance into NATO despite such an arrangement being capable of reducing the chance of nuclear war.

    It’s because NATO isn’t a security structure, it’s a dominance structure.

  • The Ukrainian situation is Russia demonstrating that the US cannot mask its activities as defensive anymore. It did this by calling the bluff and attacking, and so far the bluff has been called. The US attempted to activate sleeper cells in the caucauses and in Iran to open up additional fronts. They failed. Then Russia activated sleeper cells in Africa and more fronts against the West opened up.

    While all this is happening, China is playing the US soft power game and making connections where the US operates - Saudi Arabia, Colombia, other South American countries, a bunch of African countries. And in Taiwan they are allowing the US propaganda machine to demonstrate how violent it is while showing China as the more responsible state, inexorably drawing Taiwan closer and closer.

    China is also playing the sanctions games and demonstrating not only that its production is unstoppable at all levels of technology, but also that it has the power and willingness to starve key foreign industries without hurting anyone in the foreign gen pop.

    In theory this could all be part of a Western strategy, and if it was we should look at what that would mean. First, the US failed to achieve its objectives in Afghanistan and Vietnam. That should show us what failure looks like. Second, the US successfully destroyed Libya, Iraq, Syria, and Yugoslavia, and successfully devastated North Korea but failed to destroy it.

    What would the state of play look like if the West was winning right now?

    First, Iran would be having a revolution. Second, Russia would be fighting on multiple fronts. Third, the Belt and Road would be getting sabotaged and countries would be backing out of agreements and not signing new ones. Fourth, the Saudi Royal Family, which is under the aegis of the US for decades, would be snubbing China. Fifth, Xinjiang terrorist attacks would be increasing or at least not decreasing.

    There’s just no evidence that the West is in control of the situation. Programs, like East Turkestan separatism, that they have invested in for decades are in decline. Arms superiority assumptions are not bearing out against goat farmers nor against low-tier Russian forces. Spy networks are not functioning where they need them to function. Dozens of world leaders demonstrably feel less compulsion to support the West rhetorically and symbolically.