• 11 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • Depending on what part of the world these people live in, the actions of these vigilantes might screw up the chance of a successful prosecution.

    I’m in the UK and I remember watching a copper interviewed on the the TV asking people not to do it as a lot of the time it results in inadmissible evidence and might even give pedos chance to delete evidence. I think he also said he was aware of multiple instances of the pedo-hunters getting the wrong person at the ‘sting’.

    That said, I doubt these pedo-hunters really care about abused kids, it seems mostly about bragging rights and youtube views.

  • Whilst I completely understand why you, as private individuals with limited income and not a huge org that has high priced legal teams on call, have made this decision (I think people forget that it costs money just to defend yourself in court, irrespective of how accurate or legal the charges might be), this is about the 3rd or 4th time that the Admin team have communicated and taken action very, very poorly.

    It’s really not a difficult thing to do. A post such as this either before or immediately after taking such important actions. I realise you’re all busy people with real life stuff to do too but surely you tell new Admin’s when they’re onboarded that momentous decisions that affect a lot of people must be communicated to the members immediately?

  • No, I don’t think so. Today I’ve read and participated in some great threads about UK politics, the books people are currently reading, some great metal (the music genre) recommendations, Linux distros that are both privacy respecting but easy to use and a few other things.

    I was on reddit pretty much from the start of the Digg migration. It’s not really comparable as reddit didn’t have subs or comments at first it was literally a link aggregator with votes. When they did start appearing it was OK and then it got increasingly not OK very quickly. I took long, long breaks from it over the years and every time I succumbed and returned with a new account it was noticeably a lot worse. I won’t go back again as it feels like every sub, even the smaller ones, are just bombs either constantly going off or about to go off. It thrives on negativity.

    Lemmy simply isn’t like that. I’m not naive enough to think it never might be, but right now it’s not. Of course there are fall outs and anger but not at the same level of constant vitriol I got accustomed to seeing on reddit.

  • Yes because:

    1. There is a visible action taking place. You are standing for something you believe in. This gives other people who may lack confidence or opportunity something to notice.

    2. Those in authority cannot claim what they do is an unopposed position.

    3. Those you are protesting on behalf of, even if they are going through hell, know that someone somewhere is not prepared to let their circumstances go unnoticed.

    4. Those you are protesting against know that someone sees what they are doing.

  • I’d just like to reassure Lemmy that there are a lot of us (Brits) who are fully aware of the shitness of our Imperial past and its negative (and still felt) effects on people all over the world.

    The only excuse I can offer for this persons stunning lack of tact and knowledge is that the Empire is not really taught in any meaningful way in British schools. It’s not unless one chooses to discover for oneself what our ancestors did that you can find out the true horrors of it all.