• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I have accounts at two credit unions. One I love, one is okay.

    The first one has excellent customer service and was doing online banking before most banks even thought it existed - they had software you’d use to dial into their system with your modem. Obviously that has gone by the wayside but they have an excellent, full featured site. Rates are generally competitive. (Unfortunately I live in a different state than they are based in, so I can’t get my mortgage through them any more - they used to do it, but stopped offering mortgages in my state years ago.) They have nice touches, like if you withdraw cash from an ATM that isn’t theirs, they’ll refund the ATM fees you were probably charged.

    The other credit union is fine. No major complaints really, but after the experience with the first one, the second one just doesn’t compare. Their website is functional and covers all the normal pieces of online banking, but doesn’t have nearly the features the other one does. I probably wouldn’t know what’s missing if I hadn’t used the first one.

    We also have a regular bank. No major complaints with them either, but it’s not one of the biggies like Chase. One of the few remaining regional bank chains.

  • Quick reminder of this conversation: You suggested I check his website for his platform, so I did, and found that there’s only “I did this” and some vague promises that do not specify any sort of actual plan. You seem to think that’s arguing, but I’m trying to explain that there’s actually no useful information there.

    Basically, it’s no better than Kamala’s and arguably even worse because he’s making promises we all know he’s not going to keep (Kamala makes no promises that I saw). And he still thinks he’s running against Biden.

  • Ah, the new home of project2025!

    Seriously, though, I assume this is what you’re referring to where he’s going to solve those problems:

    President Donald J. Trump passed record-setting tax relief for the middle class, doubled the child tax credit, and slashed more job-killing regulations than any administration had ever done before. Real wages quickly increased as a result, and median household income reached the highest level in the history of our country, while poverty reached a record low. President Trump created nearly 9,000 Opportunity Zones to revitalize neglected communities. President Trump produced a booming economic recovery, and record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and women. Joe Biden is the destroyer of America’s jobs and continues to fuel runaway inflation with reckless big government spending. President Trump’s vision for America’s economic revival is lower taxes, bigger paychecks, and more jobs for American workers.

    I see no plan, aside from some very vague promises and an attack on a guy who isn’t even running.

  • Great question. I knew a guy that suddenly found Jesus. He wasn’t religious as far as we knew, never mentioned it, etc., then one day he suddenly became very religious. We had no idea what prompted it.

    But I remember him saying he doesn’t even know who his wife is any more, and thinking, “Uh, you’re the one that changed.” But the way he said it made it sound like he thought she had changed, not him.

    He was the manager of the retail store I worked in, and he’d sometimes start badgering customers about Jesus and God. Not good. I was off to college at the end of the summer, and he was gone when I stopped in a few months later.

    I wonder if he got a brain tumor or something, just to shift so dramatically so quickly. He was also doing bizarre things, like ordering tons of products we didn’t need, and not ordering stuff we did need.

    I remember one Sunday he scheduled himself, one cashier, one guy that had just started a few days before, and myself to work - then spent the entire time hanging out in the office. I was swamped all day. New guy did what he could, but he hadn’t had much time to learn. I could at least get him to load stuff, things like that, to reduce some of my workload. That workday went by really quickly. The customers were actually really nice about it - I assume they knew it wasn’t my fault, and saw that I was working hard.

  • This is a tough one. The problem with local only backups is, what if there’s a fire?

    I use Amazon Glacier to store my pictures. It’s $0.0036 / GB per month, so I pay less than $2/month for ~535 GB of storage that I’m using right now. There is also a cost for downloading, but if I need it, I’m going to be happy to pay it (and the costs aren’t crazy). Uploads are free.

    (The other problem with Glacier is that it’s not really an end-user-friendly experience, nor is it something easily automated. I use SimpleAmazonGlacierUploader, a Java program someone wrote, to do it. You can also upload to S3 and have it archive things to Glacier automatically - I’ve never tried this but it should work.)

    I considered getting my brother or a friend to build two storage servers (with RAID5 or something) that we’d each keep at home, and just sync to each other. Good if you have a friend or family member willing to do it (or at least host your offsite box). Down sides: Cost to build it, time to build and maintain it, cost to replace things that break, plus cost for electricity. I’ve been using Glacier for many years, so by now maybe I would have spent less on that theoretical backup system, but I also did not have to worry about it.

  • Thanks. You have to set it up in YAML - there’s no GUI. Here’s the page on it. Obviously you need to know your adapter’s MAC, but that’s not usually too hard to find.

    It sets up a switch entity, which is a little odd to me, because it’s not an on-and-off device - toggling it just triggers the WoL command. But I guess that makes the most sense; I don’t think there’s a “button” entity.

    Edit: It does look like the entity can track the status of the computer, but it’s not working for me. Hostname is probably not correct.