• 10 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023


  • That’s creating a chicken and egg problem. Many people who make good content do it because they can live off of it. In order to do so, they need to get paid. If you don’t pay people, most people won’t have an incentive nor opportunity to make their stuff better.

    Requiring good content to introduce an option for monetisation, would be limiting it to the lucky people who already have the time and money to invest in making good stuff aka the smallest minority. Growth is made much harder without it - if not impossible on peertube, leaving only youtube as an option. I don’t think that’s a good solution.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • The problem isn’t making monetization available, it’s having sufficient pull in the market to make it viable.

    That’s creating an chicken and egg problem.

    We won’t create monetization options until there’s pull
    We won’t join until there’s monetization

    Someone has to break the tie and it’s much easier for us than content creators.

    When we’re talking about video storage those petabytes start getting really expensive.

    You’re worrying about a scenario a decade out. Also it’s not like peertube is a single entity. It’s a federated group of servers that will each host a part of the total. Not every peer will host the total, so there are no such restrictions on storage.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • For all of its faults, I haven’t seen a better system that gives absolute authority to the resource holder.

    The majority doesn’t want “absolute authority”. They want to have a system that “just works” and allows them to pay for bread and butter without jumping through hoops. That’s the problem with crypto: it’s not easy - far from it.

    Crypto can work for them. Crypto can work for every human. Western banking, as convenient as it is, if you’re willing to accept all the trade-offs, simply isn’t available to half the population of the Earth.

    Crypto isn’t available in a lot of countries right now. There are multiple factors: bad and unstable infrastructure (internet, electricity), bad hardware, lacking regulation, and most importantly lack of legal options. Crypto exchanges are straight up banned in many countries. I’d love to send my money directly to charities or other orgs and people outside of the Western banking system, but they can’t even create a wallet, much less convert it to fiat, which brings us back to the same problem I’ve brought up.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • None of the major Fediverse projects have real monetization.
    Why single out PeerTube?

    To me, Peertube is the most obvious. Lots of work goes into creating videos. I don’t use funkwhale, so I didn’t consider it. Monetisation for comments and tweets just seems questionable to me. Reddit introduced reddit gold, and I guess that could be one way of doing it 🤔 It would allow instance operators to keep the instance alive and users happy at the same time. IMO reddit gold was a genius move which could be implemented in lemmy or elsewhere. Same as Discords paid emojis and stuff.

    Why would you expect monetization at this point?

    At which point should I be considering monetisation? It’s always disappointing to me to have to go back to Youtube and pick the right, alternative client that currently works. And I do like some of the content I subscribe to, but I can’t be arsed to create 10 different accounts in order to donate indiscriminately, regardless of how many videos I watched of a content creator.

    Do you think it should be monetized, or are you just surprised it hasn’t been?

    I think it should be monetised.

    What form of monetization are you imagining?

    Tips for one off micro-donations, manual entry of tip amounts (this was so good I think it deserves a euro), “donated subscriptions”, and automatic donations based on how much is in my wallet at the time. I think there was a micro-transaction plugin for browsers that did that? The more you stayed on a website the greater the percentage of money was donated to it from your wallet.

    But I haven’t seen it implemented and dunno if it’s the lack of interest, lack of skill, lack of possibility (maybe no payment provider makes that possible?), a combination, or all of the aforementioned.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • The userbase on the Fediverse is not big enough to support a donation-based economy.

    Could you expand on that? Why do you believe such is the case?

    The userbase is still anti-business.

    I’m starting to get the impression that this is the biggest hindrance. That and the common misconception that “ads = monetisation”, which IMO big tech has hammered into users very well.

    For all its faults, Youtube is hands-down is the platform that pay the most to content creators.

    True, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.

    Content creators are not willing to spend their time building out audiences on new platforms. Principles be damned, they will just go where the money is.

    Probably better tools could contribute to that. Something opensource that allows engaging with all major platforms + peertube and others could swing things in another direction. Imagine if peertube, mastodon, and so forth were just a toggle or a “sign up” form in the app. It could increase adoption by its simplicity: “Never heard of this platform, but I’ll just enable it and see what happens” could very well be possible.

    I’ve added support for crowdfunding to Communick earlier this year

    Wait a minute… I think I recognise that! Didn’t you make a post that was massively downvoted (or received negatively), because people didn’t understand what you were trying to do? “If it’s not steady income I won’t use it” is something I recall…

    Edit: Lemmy is missing the feature to favorite other users :/

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • And therein lies the problem: you need an additional service, that also takes its cut, to convert from crypto to fiat. That is the exact extra step the majority will not take. It’s not transparent, it’s not easy, and has no immediate gain.

    Due to regulations, a CEX requires you to identify yourself and provide multiple pieces of identification. Then once you have crypto in a wallet on peertube, it has to be deposited into the CEX - that is if the CEX has that particular cryptocurrency. Should it not, then a DEX is required, which means more steps. Finally, on the CEX it has to be converted into fiat, which is most likely a market order, not a limit order - also terrible.

    Crypto as a tech is amazing, as a user experience it’s terrible and that’s why it’s not used much besides for investments.

    If you believe I’m mistaken, can you describe an easier path than what I wrote?

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  • Well if you don’t know how to operate a car, you should not drive

    True, but you don’t have to understand how an engine works in order to drive a car. Same goes for content creators. They don’t have to understand how monetisation works to get started on youtube. It just happens.

    If you’re a video creator who wants to make money with your videos, you should be knowledgeable about monetisation and video making. Don’t be lazy, it’s just your job.

    Yeah, I disagree. Adding that barrier is exactly the attitude greybeard linux users have and why linux has the bad image it has. It shouldn’t be necessary to be knowledgeable about everything in order to do something. Having a lower barrier for entry encourages use.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • Donations are one form, but the flow thereof isn’t optimal in peertube. Viewers can’t donate just by having an account on peertube. It’s not “a click a way” like a “donated subscription” or something. I can’t create an account on peertube, connect it to my bank directly or some payment processor, go to a creator and click “donated subscription”, then expect money to end up with the content creator.

    Youtube doesn’t require setting up KoFi or patreon or something. At the base level, if your video gets popular and you have subscribers, you’ll get paid (or that is my understanding). Peertube has a higher barrier.

    Anti Commercial-AI license