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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • So here’s my perspective, as somebody who took many years of struggle and therapy to come to grips with the idea that I was abused and raped by a romantic partner:

    For the person from the position of power, or a third party, you don’t get to decide the reality of the person experiencing the suffering. For the person it’s happening to - whatever their suffering is, it’s valid and real. That doesn’t belittle someone who has experienced worse. Everyone has their personal struggles. We’d all do better to consider other people’s experiences as valid and come at disagreements from a desire to learn and care.

    Arguing for the sake of arguing is furiously jacking off your privilege boner for no real progress or useful outcome, other than feeling superior to someone lesser than you.

    I have no earthly idea the context of why you’re asking though.

  • Both, but much more of my days are an Apple Watch SE2 than my DW5600.

    I use it as a HUD - I want to know the exact time for work, current temps high/low, sunrise / sundown times, and a pop up for screening phone notifications helps me quite a bit with not checking my phone as much. I also appreciate wrist heart rate (for keeping anxiety in check,) compass is neat, and knowing the local dB is helpful for keeping my tinnitus from getting worse.

    I never thought I’d like a smartwatch until I tried one.

  • That website is a wreck. I purchased some parts from EOE and everything turned out fine, but I also know that people have had issues with them as well.

    I flash modded a 6th gen Classic. I enjoyed the miserable experience, and I enjoy using the iPod for 320k MP3 AUX playback, but honestly I think a modern device probably makes more sense. If not a smartphone with one of the Apple-Aux adapters, maybe something like the NW-A306. Lack of streaming support is bad. No real FLAC / “high-res” support is bad. iTunes is a mess.

  • 2TB NVME 3.0 DRAM drive for my OS and games. + an extra 2TB NVME DRAMless 4.0 just games drive.

    The partner’s PC is a 512GB SATA DRAMless SSD boot drive. + 1TB SATA DRAMless SSD games storage + 1TB HDD extra games drive for less frequently used games.

    The only noticeable difference is between the HDD and any of the SSDs. I’m not entirely sure if you blind-tested me on loading games between that 512 and either of my NVME drives I’d be able to tell the difference. Although I haven’t tried any of those recent directstorage games.

  • The best retro gaming console is the one you already own. Any old hand-me-down or thrift office PC can handle the majority of retro titles, as can most consoles with custom firmware.

    If you already own anything from the DS-3DS-PSP-Vita lineups you should be looking into making the most of the hardware you already own.

    That being said, my partner is very happy with their Deck, and I’m pretty pleased with my RG351V running ArkOS. I’ve also been very happy with running my RP3B+ with Retropie.

    But to be very honest, I don’t do a damn thing that my gaming PC two builds ago, and my PSP1000 I’ve had since high school wouldn’t be able to handle with flying colors.