I am a software engineer living and working in Belgrade, Serbia. My hobbies contain a lot of things including cycling, bikepacking, photography and quantum computations.

All the photos in my posts are made by myself (if not specified other) and are shared under CC-BY 4.0.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2023


  • While that is true, the missing part is the following. As I understand registration process in zone .ru / .рф is done by a russian legal entity (Coordination Center for TLD RU) and under the jurisdiction of russian courts. As a citizen of Russia I can say that russian courts are far away from the Rule of Law and under the strong pressure of russian government. So, even if the actual website may be hosted anywhere, russian court may make a decision to take back a registration and, theoretically, the row in DNS may be replaced (the link will be the same but may tend to a different, potentially unsafe hosting). That is the risk that I see.

  • Thank you. I hope too. But now it is not safe to be being in Russia and trying to get better government… So, for myself I just decided to leave the country. I’m not ready to risk my safety and safety of my family trying to protest against Putin. One can say that I’m a coward, but for me it change nothing: I prefer to be a healthy free coward instead of tortured hero in prison. To be honest, my only hope is that he die soon, there are a lot of rumors about his health problem, some cancer.

  • As a russian I can say that Putin is definitely crazy. He always was crazy a littlw due to his KGB past, you know, some tendency to overestimate impact of special servies and conspiracy. But I guess that the last drop was a covid pandemic when he sitted alone in bunker for a year in a total isolation. He totally out of mind. I do not think that one should seriously look at his speeches. Also, as a native russian speaker I watched a video interview and can proove that the translation is cirrect. He really said it…