• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Communist: a person who believes that the people should own all industry and means of production, but the government should control it. Mostly describes the economic system of the old Soviet Union. Misunderstood and widely used for generations as a pejorative term by conservatives for anyone who isn’t conservative.

    Socialist: a person who believes that the people should own all industry and means of production, and the people should control it. A “co-operative” is a socialist construct.

    Democratic Socialist: a person in favor of capitalism as an economic system, but with robust protections and measures against the extreme economic inequality and centralization of power that capitalism creates. Includes an understanding that we collectively are only as successful as the least successful among us. Misunderstood and widely confused with the above two definitions by conservatives.

    Progressive: a person who understands that future success of society is dependent on adaptation and change, open-ness to new ideas and ways if doing things, embrasure of science and education as a means to overcome ignorance, superstition, xenophobia, and racism.

    Leftist/Liberal: in principle anyone who ascribes to the above two definitions. In common vernacular also a pejorative term used by conservatives to describe anyone who isnt a hard right conservative (i.e., centrists).

    Conservative: opposite of progressive; a person who wants to conserve old methods and ideals at the expense of progress and equality. Progress toward a fair and equitable society which offers everyone real opportunity invariably inconveniences and offends other people and factions. Therefore conservatives aren’t a homogeneous group. Similar to the way that ‘Protestant’ is defined by what it’s not (Catholic), ‘conservative’ is comprised of various ideals that aren’t progressive. These include religious zealots, LGBTQ intolerant, xenophobes, anti-science, anti-education, anti-democracy, fascists, nazis, conspiracy theorists, oligarchs, plutocrats, nepotists, the 1%. Basically the conservative moniker is adopted by anyone who stands to be disenfranchised (either financially or morally) by progress toward systemic fairness and equal opportunity. Interestingly, many of the factions within the conservative roundup do not have a mutual interest. For example the oligarchs are most interested in coalescing wealth and power whereas the religious zealots want a Christian state. Either way, many disparate groups within the conservative faction share a perceived persecution.

    Regressive: a weaponized conservative with the added desire to roll back progress to an earlier period: i.e., eliminating reproductive healthcare, eliminating contraception, making it harder for certain groups to vote.

  • what the fuck are you guys actually suggesting here?

    There never is a suggestion. It’s never thought through. It’s all just abstract. Civil war is an abstract thought that can be talked about without anyone needing to consider how it would actually play out.

    So how does it work? Do conservatives from Texas take a greyhound bus to california, get out, and start blasting indiscriminately? Do they stop people on the street and randomly ask their political views before blasting?

    It’s hard to have a civil war when your enemy is ill defined. People arent going to be standing in fields with blue and grey uniforms.

    What is more likely to happen is simply clashes during protests .

  • What you forgot to mention is that the “target” country has to want you. Even progressive Americans seem to have the belief (american exceptionalism) that they can just “move” to another country if they wake up in November to find the wrong guy won. In reality, you have to apply to immigrate to a country. Your application is gone through with a fine tooth comb. It will be 50 pages of information including blood work, urine tests, xrays, and FBI background checks. You may be granted a visa if you have something the country wants or needs, like a higher qualification or a job offer. But chicken and egg, it will be near impossible to get a job offer without a visa. And if you have a high BMI, medical issues, or an arrest record, you may as well forget about it. Many countries require that you have a 4 figure wad of free cash to get yourself started. If your target country has already met its immigration quota for the year then forget about it. If your target country has thousands of applicants (which most “good” countries do at any time), then your application has to rise above the others e.g., you have a job offer and a phd. Assuming you get through all this, it will take months to well over a year to get through the process. Want to bring your pets? Factor in 5-10k USD each for shipping, veterinary, and quarantine fees.

    The bottom line is… stop yammering on about moving to another country if the orange shitstain wins. If you haven’t started the process yet of your own volition then you’ve likely not the tenacity to work that Sisyphean task.

    Instead, vote.