Sound technician from Spain. Late millenial. I like videogames. I use arch btw.
Trans rights are human rights
and we’re tired of Denuvo lol
The reason I did it like this is because:
But I was just misunderstanding yay. As another comment said before you, one can just run yay without any arguments and it accomplishes the same thing.
Huh, the more you know.
Get on with the times, install fastfetch ;)
I just aliased “sudo pacman -Syu && yay -Syu --aur” to “update” cause I got tired of writing it every day.
Isn’t your GPU an Nvidia RTX 2060? Why are you trying to use the Intel GPU acceleration method? I’m confused
We’re not in camps. We’re not fighting a war. Of course military violence is okay when you’re fighting for your life, but that’s not current society. This is an ideological war.
I, for one, welcome our overlords to train their AIs on one of the most left-leaning, anti-corporate and LGBT+ friendly spaces on the internet.
If the revolution the communists talk about ever comes, it’ll be with the help of our AI comrades /hj
(I don’t want them using us as training data but it’s going to happen whether we like it or not)
Glad to encounter a nice and reasonable cereal enjoyer such as yourself. May your Reese’s Puffs be extra puffy.
Figurative feelings don’t care about your literal facts.
So if a deaf person with eardrums is present, does it make a sound?
But then I finish the cereal. Still hungry - some milk in the bowl. I proceed to add more cereal on the milk. Fuck you.
Cousin of Antia Liasing
Other than already working like that for accents in spanish keyboards, what is with the euro combination??? C + =?? What kind of unhinged British person are you, not to think it would be like the pound, E + - ??
You know creators get paid for the sponsor right? Not for if people watch that part or not.
Pee is stored in the balls, so you have to pee more to make space for the cum
Aw, do you think Twitter is a person? How cute. No, dead naming only applies to people obviously.
Fair enough, it probably made sense at the time. Still, disappointing from Plex.
My goodness, falling asleep while you drive is dangerous!