OpenBSD admin and ports maintainer

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2024


  • Some time around 2010 or so I found a FREE DOWNLOAD for some software I wanted on Youtube. Normally I wouldn’t fall for such a thing, but the video had a huge amount of likes and a basically no dislikes so I thought it was legit (I wasn’t well-acquainted with the concept of view bots). Ended up with some nasty malware, had to reinstall. Don’t run executables off youtube, kids.

    Also there was a point before that I got ultra-paranoid about my computer having a virus, and I would Google processes in task manager and got super scared and installed some fake rogue antivirus from a ‘company’ called Uniblue. A lot of their ‘marketing’ was pretending they were part of Microsoft, and I thought it was super legit. It wasn’t. Turns out being paranoid about computer security when you are completely computer illiterate is a perfect way to get malware.

  • Mobile Linux user, the two best maps I’ve found are mepo, and osmin (similar to OSMAnd on the goolag os). puremaps is also decent, and closer to what you expect with something like google maps in terms of feature parity, but it’s much heavier ( not good on pinephone’s anemic cpu and 3G of ram :( ). KDEs marble is interesting, but not a good mobile interface.

    I’m sick of using google maps, they started putting gigantic ads for stores on the map and I’m tired of them tracking me.

    Yet you use the Goolag kernel? User, how could you!