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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023

  • The nose still has a surface area after being removed, as you can tell by the index finger disappearing behind it.

    Isn’t there some message to get? Are you sure? The person seems to be part of some military organization, possibly, going by the costume. So maybe this is some jab at something political that happened with the military around this time? Let me think, when was 'Nam? 🤔 [Looked it up] Yeah 'Nam was going on at this time. (Although the Vietnam war went on for a long-ass time – almost 20 years – so it could have been anything. But still.)

  • I don’t think it’s lane surfing if you’re not changing lanes.

    No, definitely not. It’s only lane surfing if you’re changing lanes to pass. Sorry, I thought that was the implication.

    Anyway, this comment section has made me realize that it always just depends. Drive aware, keep safe distance, don’t unnecessarily change lanes, let people pass (on the left) if they’re going faster than you, etc.

    Yes, agree completely. ❤️

    The best advice I ever got about driving was “be predictable.” I think if anyone really takes that to heart empathetically then it would be safer.

    Exactly. That person understands traffic. So many times people will decelerate very rapidly to stop and give way for me (because it’s a place where they are supposed to). But because they are coming at such speed, it doesn’t look like they’ll stop in time and it makes me react by breaking suddenly.

    People need to look far, and break early and slowly. Be predictable and have clear car body language.

    👌👌 You and I are on the same page.