We definitely have blackberries. We don’t really have blackcurrants though, may be thinking of that?
We definitely have blackberries. We don’t really have blackcurrants though, may be thinking of that?
They’re significantly faster than boiling water on the stove here in the US too.
I have an electric kettle because I’m a tea drinker. Not gonna lie though, it did take a while before I realized I could just generally boil water in the thing. One day, looking directly at the kettle while I filled a pot with water, the dusty light bulb in my head finally lit up. 😅
Well that just sounds like New Jersey.
Once I’m in the air my backpack goes from under the seat to under my knees. Then I can stick my feet under the seat for that extra few inches of stretch. It’s not a whole lot but it does help.
(and its ) are pretty good Zelda-like action adventure games. They’re not going to stand up to Link’s Awakening but still, I remember them fondly.
Gargoyle’s Quest has plenty of those weird old game difficulty spikes. Damned fine Game Boy game though. Good call!
Holy hell a little corner of my brain just lit up seeing “ASMIK World”. The cart is buried in boxes but I know what I’ll be emulating this weekend!
I like how that article has zero data, just a couple anecdotes from French people who don’t seem to like America.
The learning cliff of the X games is pretty intense but totally worth it. I made it through and just look at me now! I, err… wasn’t going to do anything better with those hundreds of hours anyway.