Developmental informatics hacker

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Ugh, I know exactly what you mean! I hope to become better at simply being frank and setting boundaries. Seriously, I just met you and you tell me your mom just died? OK, that is terrible, of course, but what the actual fuck, I’d almost go so far as to call that borderline abusive.

    Then the guy next to me at this one job I had. Complaining the whole day. Every day. And you know what? I think it’s my fault. I just let people like that use me as an emotional trashbin. If I were there now I’d definitely do something about it.

    It’s incredibly hard to overcome that behavior. I can recommend martial arts, since it allows you to process these behaviors and related emotions physically. Sounds a bit silly but my god you know exactly where your thresholds are and not to hesitate to hold your stand and how you’re gonna do it.

    You can’t get rid of that one toxic person. They’ll always be there in every group. The stoics wrote about it thousands of years ago, that it is our fate and we can only learn to handle it.

  • That you can quickly pick up coding with a few courses.

    Can you learn it? Sure why not. Just keep in mind that you’ll never stop learning, so it has to fit into your lifestyle.

    Further, you’ll have to be patient and be able to deal with stress well. If you can’t adjust yourself to work in a team, you’ll have difficulty finding work.

    Another misconception is that coders stay alone at home in a dark room all the time. Coding is just one part of your life and people do all sorts of stuff.

  • Understand how sun cream factors work and always wear it.

    Get one good cooking knife and learn how to hone and sharpen it. You have to sharpen it often and almost immediately. Learn how to cut vegetables. Start with onions because they are cheap and versatile.

    Keep a freewriting journal.

    If you’re a guy take a moment to look into what women go through in their lives with guys. It’s not complicated or mysterious, it’s just that a significant portion of guys never heard about it. It’ll automatically make you a better man and you’ll have a better time too :)

  • There’s ways to help without sacrificing what little you have to yourself. A simple greeting and acknowledgement go a long way. Don’t be afraid to interact and to just say no, I’ve never had a bad experience with that.

    You could provide information, or something that’s often needed. For example get a large pack of white long diabetic socks and hand those out. If you’re homeless you often can’t take off your shoes, so you’re always wearing them. The socks change color if something is wrong.

    Personally I don’t mind it if someone spends money on drugs or alcohol. I’d do the same thing in their position. It’s best to just be kind and respectful.

    But if it really bothers you then go for gift cards or just go shopping with them. Giving food without asking is generally not so helpful. Also keep in mind that in a lot of places people need a bit of actual cash to actually be able to sleep somewhere. For example here in the NL it’s 7.50 a night. So even if you are bothered by the potential drug usage, just think of the chance that they might just as well spend it on sleeping in a safe and warm place.

  • Well, yesterday a cashier decided it was a good idea to tell me, a hippie looking transwoman, that she’s not racist, but what is Turkey doing in European football? And yeah she immediately crossed that threshold and went on my asshole list.

    Of course I can come up with a gazillion excuses for why she said that. She doesn’t know our own history. She doesn’t know geography. She’s just trying to fit in to her social group. I can go on and on. But still, what she is saying is damaging on a purely racist basis. She is old enough to realize that.

    However, I wouldn’t use the word hate. I know what you mean, and that’s what I am responding to rn, but I don’t genuinely want to hate anyone. Hate is more corrosive to the vessel than that which it is poured upon.