Every community I care about is dead

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • You’re right, and I suppose I was half-thinking along the lines of “we have all the pieces to solve this, but we don’t because we’re frozen in place by greed” instead of “this is something we could do with infrastructure today”. If everyone could collectively let go and re-distribute wealth and materials efficiently everyone would be much better off for it, but instead we’re stuck in some game theory hell where the optimal personal choice results in one of the worst outcomes.

  • The app I use (Eternity) has options for 15/30/60/etc mins. You can theoretically get notifications every second if you set up your own RSS reader to check that quickly (though be considerate of your instance’s resources). Before I settled on my current solution I had an RSS reader check every so often and ding a desktop notification when it found something. I use 30 minutes because if I’m using Lemmy I’ll see the notification alert anyway, and if I’m away from Lemmy I don’t want to be notified potentially every 15 minutes when people keep replying.

  • I keep a budget, and this structure keeps me honest

    It’s not clear why you don’t have it all sit in brokerage checking instead of split between savings? Personally I find any sort of attempts to “trick” yourself into certain spending behaviors when it would be more optimal to do something else with better discipline to be silly.

    However, the bank account can’t fulfill other benefits, like state tax savings on interest

    How much interest are you making? For every 1000 you have in SPAXX, let’s say you make 5% interest on it, so $50. You can take 30% of that income off of your state taxes, so $15. Let’s say your state taxes are 5% because I’m not sure where you live, so that’s 75 cents per 1000 that you’ve saved (did I do that correctly?). Returns being 5% is highly abnormal, so this is best case scenario at the moment.

    the ability to invest part of my savings into t-bills or funds(I can get a CD though).

    Unless you can sell these fully liquid I don’t see the point. You might as well put it into these types of accounts normally if that’s where you want money to be. If your money is truly tied up in t-bill ladders then it seems less liquid than selling stocks.

    the debit card is way better than any bank account I’ve had

    Good banks have good debit cards.

    What happens if SoFi no longer has the best rates?

    I’m not married to SoFi, but if it was severe I would move. I already have accounts at most of the big ones so it’s not a big deal to me. Money market accounts are not guaranteed to be the highest rates either, and when I switched a few years ago HYSAs were leading money market returns. When that becomes the case will you move? Personally I don’t keep enough cash to sweat $0-10 per year.

    when will they add needing debit card transactions as well? That kind of thing is pretty common with banks since they may not need to be as aggressive in getting deposits at some point if the loan market cools

    This doesn’t happen at normal banks. This is common with very specific banks that offer really high returns compared to normal HYSAs. I don’t think these sorts of banks are ever worth it unless you’re holding onto a ton of cash, which I also don’t think is good.

    Regardless, that’s not really what this is about. I’m discussing bank vs brokerage account, not investing vs not investing cash reserves…

    It’s relevant because your entire emergency fund strategy changes when you keep most of it in a real brokerage account instead of with money market. You are talking about how to optimize your big pool of cash, but I’m saying that you should focus less on chasing 0.3% returns on your cash and more on keeping less cash around in the first place. I keep about $3-4k cash around liquid as money that I could use today if I needed to. If I need more money for an emergency, I can still cash it out of my brokerage account very quickly without needing to keep the full 6 months worth of expenses tied up in cash. Note that I have a ton of money in raw brokerage because I make too much money to put it all into tax advantaged spaces. If you don’t make enough money to outpace your tax-advantaged spaces it’s possible that you don’t have any money available to play with in raw brokerage to start with.

    it all comes down to when you’re likely to need that cash and how much the market has tanked. By the time you have enough assets that the difference doesn’t matter, you also have enough assets where the extra you’d potentially get by investing it doesn’t matter.

    I’m not sure what you mean by the second part but as for thinking that having your emergency fund in a brokerage account isn’t worth it: if you have very bad luck you might lose money in the short term, e.g. putting money into stocks, market crashes, then you have an emergency. Even in this case, unless you continue to have an emergency frequently and with every downturn, you will still come out ahead of cash if you continue with the strategy after your first emergency. On the flip side, in the average case if you have an emergency without the market being down or best case don’t have an emergency for the first few years, you’ll have outpaced any returns that cash will give you for quite a while, and this will continue to grow indefinitely. Stick it in bonds if you’re risk-averse, but keeping it in cash is wasting money. Cash returns are very high right now and it’s easy to feel comfortable with your 5% money market, but the calculus will change when returns go sub-1% again.

  • I used to do this but if you aren’t aware Regulation D was removed during the pandemic which means you can use savings accounts exactly like checking accounts. Some banks will also let you store nothing in checking and auto-draw from savings when you use your checking account.

    I currently store my cash with SoFi which allows this and has 4.6% returns. I made the decision to stop using a brokerage as checking a while ago but IIRC, money market accounts and HYSA accounts moved together for returns and sometimes HYSAs were better so I felt like it wasn’t worth the complication for potentially a few dollars of profit per year. I store very little cash on hand anyway since I’m able to sell raw stocks in the event of an emergency. (Selling while the market is down will still put you ahead of cash returns if you invested that part of your emergency fund a while ago).

  • Conduit is also licensed under Apache 2.0, so it could also be taken closed source at any point in time. The reason this wouldn’t impact Conduit as much is that there’re other contributors, whilst Synapse and Dendrite are almost exclusively developed by Element.

    Right. The current perspective is based on the idea that if Synapse/Dendrite go closed-source right now, an open source version would be good as dead. Element is responsible for 95% of Synapse/Dendrite and I’m sure a community fork would have to play a lot of catch-up to figure out how to keep it going. If the community was more involved in Synapse/Dendrite implementation (and if Element let them) there would be less cause for alarm, as closing the source would just mean an immediate community fork and putting Element on ignore. Also to reiterate, The Matrix Foundation is not going along with Element on this move, and even if Element pulled something shady the Matrix Core Spec etc. would still remain open and under the Foundation’s control, so the max we have to lose is Synapse/Dendrite and all of Element’s developers.

    As for the rest I agree and I do actually trust that Element is simply playing their only card here. These maneuvers are all required in order for Element to survive as a company at all, but they also unfortunately leave this backdoor open as a consequence. Matthew has pinky-promised over and over that they are only acting in good faith and that they would never use the backdoor, but it’s understandable that the presence of the backdoor is putting everyone at unease. Best case scenario we take this as a warning sign that if Element drops dead tomorrow then Matrix is also dead. If people want Matrix to not be practically owned by Element then we should diversify and prepare escape plans.