Free to read all you want in-house, but if you want to take some home, you gotta pony up for that card.
Fortunately the card was usually cheap.
Free to read all you want in-house, but if you want to take some home, you gotta pony up for that card.
Fortunately the card was usually cheap.
Where I live, it’s free for school children and people on welfare etc. For university students it’s 5€ a year, for adults it’s 10€.
So really not a lot, but you also get access to a lot of other online services for free (encyclopedia, streaming service for older and arthouse films, magazines etc.)
Late fees are just there to keep you from keeping a book or whatever for long periods of time, because then other wouldn’t be able to read them.
My library charges 1€ initially to cover for the cost of the card, then it’s free to use no matter what income, age,…