Inflation sucks!

In the last year, shredded “natural cheese” had almost doubled in price. The cheap alternatives branded as “97% cholesterol cut shred” are complete ass, and cannot even be legally called cheese.

I was used to paying ¥1,000/kg then ¥1,000/700g for shredded gouda (max value store brand), but now it is ¥1,000/600g cheddar/mozzarella mix.

I have a variety of supermarkets nearby. Also kaldi, Gyomu super, a-price etc. I just don’t want to have to keep buying 1kg bags when it is hit or miss. If you have any solid recommendations please post them here.

Im in Kyushu, but location isn’t important. Any leads are appreciated.

    1 year ago

    I’m in Okayama. Almost all groceries I get, including cheese of any sort, has nearly doubled in price (either in actual price, or in “shrinkflation” where the price stays the same but the amount you get drops) over the past few months. Paycheck has not increased at all either. If you find a good solution, please let us ALL know, I think everyone is in the same boat here.